[@Wick][h1][color=royalblue][center][img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/4013265b2577cdf2ed1058fbe6cc8d6f/5B37BD21/t51.2885-15/e35/18160812_260818221056993_966305635157147648_n.jpg[/img] Elias[/center][/color][/h1][hr] Elias was silent as he processed the new information. At the mention of their Grimm oath, a stray thought about the validity of the oath traced through his mind as Elias considered if she was even a true Grimm. Before it could affect his facial expression, he quelled the thought, moving past Alexis to peer outside of the barn. Once he had ensured that no other entities lurked outside, and that all interested parties had entered the house. he turned back to face his steed. [color=royalblue]"Hundar, [i]Wächter, in den Wald![/i]"[/color] Elias spoke in a foreign language as he commanded his mount to guard Alexis in the woods. Locking eyes with Alexis, Elias motioned for her to mount Hundar, aware that she was unable to speak the language Hundar understood. It was a foreign and ancient dialect, taught only among Elias particular immediate family. [color=royalblue]"Go with Hundar, he'll watch over you for the time being. I don't want you near anyone that will agitate you until we can get your powers under control. I'll handle the situation for now; I'll tell them you're out with a potential suitor."[/color] Before Alexis could get a word in edgewise, Elias immediately left the barn, quickly climbing the side of the house in the afternoon light and slipping into his room window, calling for a bath to be drawn for him immediately. Within fifteen minutes, he was soaking in a tub of warm water, washing away the dirt, blood, and grime of the day's events. If he were to present himself to the Broussards, it would have to be without any sign that he had been in combat. It would alert them to any sign of danger and make them highly suspicious. Elias had barely begun to relax into the water when the door opened without so much as a knock, revealing Nathan's arrogant face as his form strode into the room, glancing around the room before his eyes settled on the Grimm. A servant boy was behind him, clearly displeased that he hadn't been allowed to properly warn Elias, however, his eyes flashed a sign of relief when Elias raised his hand, signalling him it was okay. Nathan practically begged for attention as he strode into the room, his haughty air failing to garner the respect he craved. Stepping up towards the tub, but careful not to get close enough to get wet, Nathan stared down his nose at Elias, failing to be stealthy as he gave Elias more than one glance over. Without any clothing to inhibit Nathan's view, the vast amounts of scars covering Elias body were clear signs of his combat victories. The Grimm also took the liberty of tightening his muscles, attempting to intimidate the other man. Nathan gave a haughty scoff before locking eyes with Elias, not speaking. After a long pause, Elias chuckled dryly, looking away from Nathan and returning his attention to cleaning himself. [color=royalblue]"Broussard, what a surprise. Come to size up the competition?"[/color]