Kinoko did not expect Vegeta to give her solid punch, square to the side of her face. However, she did understand the anger contained within it. She knew Vegeta wouldn’t go down without a fight, and for that, she was prepared for this to come. It seemed that the world around began to crumble, as a cliff turned into nothing due to her brother’s blasting the only mark left behind, being the bruise forming on her cheek. Lightly touching it with her fingers, the only feeling she had, was the one that demanded payback. Levitating back up towards them, arms at her sides and fists clenched, the princess eyed them both, before lightning crashed around them, once again; her blue hair gently waving in the wind. Slowly lifting a hand in front of her, she narrowed her eyes, before an invisible force suddenly tugged them out of the sky, and towards the ground. Once they crashed, the telekinetic force made it impossible for them to move. As a result, the princess descended quickly down towards them, having to land on Goku’s chest hard enough to create a crater. Stop his chest, Kinoko eyed the younger before glancing at Vegeta, and lifting her hand, once again; this time, levitating a giant boulder, and sending it crashing down upon the older, pinning him there. “Say Uncle”, she simply said, playfully, clenching her fist a little, making the boulder pin him even more.