[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/harrypotter/images/b/b4/The_Leaving_Feast_-_B4C37M1.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20151217031002[/img] I'll keep this as short and sweet as I can.[/center] I'd like to do a Harry Potter [i]themed[/i] RP with a few good people who love the series as much as I, if not more so. People who are willing to stick a story out till the end. This RP will revolve around the Goblet of Fire. Same events start off this RP as did in the book and movie, with the World Cup taking place and the Death Eaters coming in to crash the party. Because of this incident, both Beaubatons and Durmstrang pull out of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Hogwarts Headmaster (be it Dumbledore or we decide to go a different route) decides to continue the tournament, but with a twist. One student from each house gets to compete. Looking for three(+) other dedicated people to help write this story. If you're interested, please respond in this thread. Looking forward to seeing some new faces, and will [i]gladly[/i] welcome the old ones. :) Just a couple quick rules. There will be a posting timer. Have to post at least once a week. No, there is no posting order. But you will have to wait until at least 2 people have posted to make your new week's post. Grammar is key. Makes things much easier to read and follow along. Also, you will need to be writing at least three good, well-written paragraphs per post. Dialogue doesn't count. Hope to see you at the station! ..until we meet again! ^^ [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/ef29/f/2014/322/6/6/hogwarts_house_crests_by_silver_gaze-d86ssrd.png[/img][/center]