Looking around Joseph quicky counted seven bandits. Childs play. Hes dealt with bandits before, and while he would temain coatious he knew what he needed to do. Joseph stepped towards the bandit chief and planted his sword into the ground before him. And then Joseph smashed his shield into the chief’s face. He had to act fast now; two bandits were already lunging at him. Gtipping his sword toghtly Joseph shifted his position to dodge the two, smashing anither brgand in yhe skull with the edge if his shield. With one mighty seing he pulled his sword out of the ground and flung a large cloud of dirt in the fave of three other bandits whk were trying to get behind Joseph, blinding them temporarily. Hefting his blade onto his shoulder Joseph stomped his foot forward and cleaved a brigand doen shoukder to hip. His chainmail armor was no match fir the paladin’s heavy blade. Dragging the tip kf the blade out from his bidy Joseph looked as the remaining bandits were recovering and grtting ready ti attack. Joseph wouldnt give them a chance to rest as he plunged his sword into the chest of one kf the brigands, like stabbing a pig with a spear. Three down. Four to go. The three brigands attacked Joseph with clubs and swords. He raised his shield and blocked thr clubs, and when they tried to stab him in between his olates theyd get foiled by the chainmail underneath. All Joseh had to do was shift his weight to disarm the thuggish thieves of their pitifil weapons, stick between the folds of his armor. He stomped on the foot of one kf the club weilding brigands and then smashed the guard of into the man’s chest, pucturing his lungs like a warpick. One tried to tackle Joseph; he jumoed back and held his sword aloft firmly, letting the man run into his blade. With one swipe he was disembowled. Now that just left two as the bandit chief was recovering from his stunning blow. The last bandit didnt last long as he saw his compatriots cut down without nary an issue. He tried ine more desperate assult, but Joseh easy parried the swing with his shield, smashed the pommel into the man’s guts, and as he was kneeled over Joseph broke open his skull with another pommel smash. He turned to the bandit leader while taking a dagger out frkm between his breastplate.