[@Zeroth] Turned out a little edgier than I was planning/hoping for, but this guy alright? [hider=Marc Nadler] [center][img]https://img00.deviantart.net/c850/i/2005/270/3/2/filth_rat_by_karichristensen.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=a36209][h3][b]Name:[/b][/h3][/color] Marc Nadler [color=a36209][h3][b]Theme:[/b][/h3][/color] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__6LaavwGWw[/url] [color=a36209][h3][b]Gender:[/b][/h3][/color] Male [color=a36209][h3][b]Species:[/b][/h3][/color] Dire Rat [color=a36209][h3][b]Appearance:[/b][/h3][/color] Standing at most a foot and a half tall, Marc is easily identifiable from most Dire Rats due to his partial lack of fur - the skin appearing somewhat inflamed, almost as if he had mange. His teeth are slightly longer than most others, but this may be because he doesn't engage in gnawing, like most rodents. Marc's ears perk up whenever something interests him or he hears something dangerous. His hair is light gray, and his claws make a clicking sound on hard surfaces due to their length. Despite his small size, his partial lack of fur makes it clear to see his powerful muscles. This, combined with his longer claws, make climbing especially easy. When fighting, he will foam slightly at the mouth. [color=a36209][h3][b]Goals:[/b][/h3][/color] Improve the lives of everyone he meets, and to bring back his deceased wife [color=a36209][h3][b]Past Life:[/b][/h3][/color] Marc Nadler was born in Mussoorie, India, to a rather middle class family - his father being a business man from Germany, and his mother being a caretaker. He had three older brothers and one older sister, and he was the youngest child. Despite relatively absent parents, Marc lived a relatively normal and happy childhood - he played for long hours, and while his father was occasionally harsh when it came to grades, Marc had a positive relationship with both parents. His days were spent studying, burning ants with magnifying glasses, and chasing the stray cats and dogs that infected his city. His favorite pastime was reading on the biology of animals he found interesting. The first major event of Marc's life was when he encountered a deer on one of the rare excursions his father could afford from his work - they went on a camping trip into nearby forests, planning to spend the weekend in a tent. Marc was tasked with finding water, as his father proceeded to gather wood for the fire. It took nearly an hour of searching, but a stream was discovered - along with the pale and bloody form of a deer. She was a doe, clearly no older than two, and most likely not a mother. She was bleeding heavily, flies were already beginning to surround her body, and her body heaved and rose raggedly, as if she was fighting for every breath. Near her hindquarters, it was easy to see that she was shot several times. She attempted to scramble away from Marc, but she was far too tired - she reluctantly remained still, fading in and out of consciousness. Marc desperately wanted to help the creature - maybe remove the bullet, patch the wound - but he simply stared. He made excuses, such as not having appropriate supplies or lacking any experience. But he stayed and watched as her breathing slowly dampened, from ragged heaves to eventual nonexistence. He remained for 20 minutes, before a strange man appeared from the woods, bearing a rifle. He greeted Marc kindly, thanking him for "finding his dinner" in the tone you always use when speaking with a child - Marc knew that the man meant him no harm. The pair talked for several minutes, before Marc's father finally arrived, wondering what was taking so long. After brief introductions, his father and the hunter hit it off, with the hunter even offering to share the doe as long as they helped to dress it - Of course, Marc's father agreed. Marc spent a good 30 minutes helping the men clean out the doe, silent as could be. By thet ime they were done, Marc's father insisted on cooking, and soon the trio were having an excellent meal. In the middle of the night, Marc would vomit up the meat he had eaten, after a vivid nightmare of the doe. Ever since the incident, Marc became somewhat distant - he still cared for his family and friends, and always offered to help people whenever they needed anything. He simply grew less willing to share his thoughts - He got more serious when it counted, his voice grew more monotone as he stressed out. He still played outside with friends, but was sure to come home early to study. His grades dramatically rose, and he received a full ride scholarship to Stanford by the time he graduated high school. He moved to America, and his already proficient grasp on the English language grew to be near perfect, with only a slight accent. He graduated with honors, majoring in biology. He got a job as a veterinarian, married a nice woman, found a group of coworkers to watch hang out with on the weekends. He never had any children, as his wife was infertile. His personality remained the same - kind, gentle, but very serious when things were important. The second major moment of his life was walking in on his wife sleeping with another man. Or, more specifically, how he murdered the two of them. Marc got home early, only to find his wife sleeping with a coworker of hers - Some guy she occasionally talked about on their monthly dates. Marc immediately seized a blunt object - which he later discovered to be the golf club he uses when playing with his coworkers, and he savagely beat both of them to death. The man took several swings to make sure he was gone, but Marc's wife was down in a single stroke. The last thing Marc saw of her was her heavy, ragged breathing - just like the doe that he had seen years ago. Marc immediately turned himself in, devastated at what he had done. He had never considered himself a violent man, and he was racked with guilt at what he had done. After only a week in custody, he had committed suicide, dying at 66 years old. Next thing he knew, he was being reborn into another world - and after listening to this "Demon king" explain everything, Marc realized this was a second chance. God, Buddha, somebody realized that he made a mistake, and was giving him a do over. A chance to set things right - If the demon king was to be trusted, then maybe he could bring back his wife! Reading over his choices, Marc picked the most familiar of the options - the Dire rat. Far larger than any he had ever seen in his old life, but the most familiar of the available options. [color=a36209][h3][b]Abilities:[/b][/h3][/color] Beast Senses I - A bundle skill applying to all physical senses. Gained from Birth as a Dire Rat [color=a36209][h3][b]Transformations:[/b][/h3][/color] Dire Rat [color=a36209][h3][b]Inventory:[/b][/h3][/color] None[/center] [/hider]