[@Altered Tundra][@Dirty Pretty Lies] Alright, I’ve been slamming my head against the wall for two weeks with some change and I think I’m going to go on indefinite hiatus from this until I can find the motivation to write beyond a character sheet. I did a lot of thinking on this during my power outage and despite reading everyone’s posts and enjoying what you and Tundra have put together – I’ve basically got nothing and I don’t want to string you guys along. Unfortunately this leaves you with a NPC in the Castillo Family, but I’ve just been creatively bankrupt in this corner, so much that I was trying to depend on collaboration prospects to even post which is not a directive I want to take as a writer and role-player. You guys have a talented and dedicated player pool and I wish you the best. Hopefully, someday something will come along in these things where I can write beyond a character sheet.