[quote=@AngelofOctober] I've had to take the time to think about it and to be honest, I don't think it's going to work out between us. The way you treated the other member made me air on the side of caution. Your hostility, while you have apologized for it now about what happened last night makes me think it could happen again. And I feel heavily restricted by the premise of this RP, more so than I initially thought I was. I couldn't really come up with a history for X that compelled me as a writer. I didn't necessarily want to go the orphan route, but I honestly just don't know where to go or where I can go with your world. It seems you have a set vision of this world in your mind, so it makes it very hard for me to wiggle around your vision and what would interest me as a player. I been RPing for near twenty or so years, and I have a lot of characters under my belt so I have to design a character that will both fit the world of the GMs, but be compelling enough for me to be motivated to carry on. While I loved X's personality and appearance and like the idea of him, I thought orphan was too generic, and I am drawing a blank on where I could go in your world. As I explained before in a PM, I like a GM who offers ideas, engages with their members, someone who bounces ideas, and gets excited about others characters. So those are my thoughts and I felt like giving an explanation. Now I'd love to work something out with you, but I am not going to force it either. It also didn't help I was trying to design X and something happened to me at my home that was very stressful to deal with. So I had to leave the Discord in order to calm down and think about things. [/quote] I don't think my vision is as set as you might think. Other than the two masters, the concept of two occasionally clashing teams, and some of the villains... I actually haven't sat down and ironed much else out yet. I still don't know what all worlds I want to use except for like two or three. If it changes anything, I can tell you that both Cormack and Viper have ventured out and "scouted out talent" so to speak. They'll have ways of detecting when a new Keyblade Wielder is chosen and can seek them out to offer them training and whatnot. So if you wanted to go that route you totally could. That would also give you more free reign to have your character come from a bigger variety of worlds or walks of life.