G & Liollmon were at the city limits when a whole bunch of other Digimon fled the city. Liollmon stopped a Puttimon. "What is it now? Did the Digidestined fail and Orcamon destroyed the city?" Puttimon shook no. "Maildramon is threatening the Digidestined. They are to weak. They might be able to pull off a miracle but who knows how much damage, death, and destruction will be caused first." Liollmon let the Puttimon run. G was looking at a video on the tablet. "We gotta head back G." G never looked up. "If you want to fight Maildramon like that be my guest. I would prefer to even the playing field. With your lack of memories from the last time you can't exactly tell me how this thing" She held the Digivice. "makes you artificially evolve. This tablet has videos covering about just everything, I just unlocked a video on how to make you artificially evolve." Liollmon backed off. G finished watching the video. "Let's give it a try." She copies what her mother did in the video. Liollmon evolved to Leomon.