[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmU2MDAxYi5VM1Y2ZFd0cElGSjVkVzV2YzNWclpRLCwuMAAA/gang-of-three.regular.png[/img][/centre][hr][b][right][color=696969]Uesugi High, Fukushima 8:09 AM[/color][/right][/b][hr] [indent]If you ignored the tiny car and blue hair, you could almost mistake the speeding blur down Route 70 for his elder brother. Aviator sunglasses, oversized leather jacket with the sleeves pulled back to the elbows, muffled, high-tempo music a passer-by would only be able to hear for a fleeting moment, before the roaring vehicle sped away. Now all Ryunosuke needed to do was park, blast 'Take My Breath Away', and wait for girls to run to his arms. Ah, perhaps he got caught up. Parking will do.[/indent] [indent][url=https://youtu.be/pvYCbnrP5Ho?t=104]The sound[/url] of his Beat zipping around the streets, heading towards the school would be faintly audible over distance, slowly growing louder. Eventually, he eased onto the brakes, shifting down and turning into the lot (thankfully, not enough to drift it around- now [b]that[/b] would be a scene). Finding a spot around the middle of the rather small lot, Ryunosuke parked his car, grabbing his bag and locking the doors with the convertible roof up. He plugged his headphones into his own phone, browsing through his music library while silently walking to school, the new beginning of an unspoken ritual. Picking a song, he shoved the device back into his pocket, placing the earbuds in his ears and continuing his wordless stride.[/indent] [indent]After hastily changing his shoes and throwing his jacket, he eventually made it to his assigned homeroom, 2-C. Quickly darting his eyes around. Ryunosuke makes a mental map of the class, trying to visualize where his seat would likely be. After a couple seconds of deliberation, he comes to the dreadful conclusion that he would probably sit dead in the middle of the class. Curses. Having people look behind your back, having no source of hiding or security (perhaps insecurity to some), and being in the middle of all the chatter and crossfire- what could go wrong?[/indent] [indent]Rather than continue to grumble in his head endlessly, Ryunosuke opted to clear his mind, sit down, rest his head on his arms, and wait until someone passed by, completely ignoring him. Luckily enough, he had a spare change of clothes at home, but rather than the school-issued blazer that he had splattered brown caffeine over, he had to settle for his brother's jacket which he had put away, leaving him in just a white shirt with a school tie. The sunglasses matched, but he could barely see anything in front of him, so he switched back to his thin, red prescription glasses. Since there was nothing better to do, he sat there, listening away, hoping nobody would notice him as usual.[/indent] [indent][indent][i]Mother told me, yes, she told me I'd meet girls like you She also told me, 'stay away, you'll never know what you'll catch' Just the other day I heard a soldier falling off some Indonesian junk that's going round Mommy's alright, daddy's alright, they just seem a little weird Surrender, surrender, but don't give yourself away...[/i][/indent][/indent]