Ah. A normal morning. Sitting in his small apartment in New York City, the young man by the name of David was simply enjoying a cup of tea and enjoying the day off, wearing a plain t-shirt and a pair of baggy cheap blue jeans. Certainly nothing stylish, but it was cheap, comfy, and what he preferred to wear when he was relaxing at home. Well...as much as a home as he could consider it. He briefly peered around the room, making sure things were in order, before sighing in relief. His family's bible was on the table, properly maintained despite its years, everything was put away in the closet, save for a shirt or two he hadn't bother to throw in the washer yet, which sat lazily in a pile. He accepted this as good enough. He'd take care of those later, anyways. As he finished his cup of tea, he turned on his TV screen, looking to see if anything worthwhile was on. Notably, he avoided the news, because he already had to deal with the Guild. He didn't want to hear what the newscast were spreading around. He eventually settled on something immature. Classic cartoons. He leaned back against the chair he was sitting in, closing his eyes and simply relaxing. There was no point on simply focusing on the cartoons. It was just meant to be background noise, something for his mind to focus on instead of recurring thoughts of regret and anguish. Yawning lazily, despite having woke up a mere two hours ago, David allowed himself to take a small nap. Sleep was one of the few things he enjoyed. Despite the occasional nightmare, it offered him a great deal of relief and freedom from his current situation, and his brain didn't have to dwell on it, either. And so, he dozed off, his arms and legs going limp in the chair as he didn't snore, instead breathing softly... Until a couple of hours later, he heard his phone go off. David groaned in response to this sound, quickly waking up and sounding rather irritated. He knew all too well what this meant. Guild business. Did it always have to be guild business? Well, to be fair, it was the only reason he was given the phone. He halfway wondered if the darn phone was one of the ways they tracked him. He unlocked it after pulling it from his pocket, reading the message in question and sighing. A meeting tonight? Ten sharp? That was rather uncharacteristic with such short notice. Might be something interesting...but then again, why did he care?...Still. Aliira was likely to be there, and if he didn't show up as her guard, he might just be in some trouble with some of the same guild members that dragged him into this in the first place. He did -not- want to be punished again. And so, he reluctantly got up, moving to his closet and pulling out a black, light jacket, putting it on and adjusting the buttons along the front of the overshirt, as well as getting his things together. Time to move out. He wasn't usually one to be so prompt, but he knew he had to be, or risk being punished again. And he did not want experience with that again. He slipped on a black pair of tennis shoes, before making his way out the door. At least he wouldn't be considered late this time.