[quote=@Etranger] [@ShwiggityShwah][@Strange Rodent] Finally finished my sheet. Hope there's nothing wrong with it. I'm completely fine to change the powers if they are unsatisfactory. [hider=Katrina] [b]Name:[/b] Katrina Makhno [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/d9c2/th/pre/f/2015/208/8/d/spitfire_by_iwantedtorunaway-d932ytq.png[/img] By iwantedtorunaway [/hider] [b]Occupation/Concept:[/b] Survivalist/Rebel without Cause [b]Training:[/b] [list] [*] Katrina’s primary training is as something of a guerrilla fighter. She is acutely familiar with small arms of all kinds and trained to use hit and run tactics to outmanoeuvre and wear down an enemy. Give her a gun and a cause, and she’ll tear down a castle, if only bit by bit. She knows enough about martial arts to put up a decent fight in regards to opponents within her own weight group, but is hardly a master, and would never choose to go in with her fists first. [*] Katrina has also been conditioned to live simply for the purposes of survival. While she doesn’t engage in this lifestyle if she doesn’t have to, her parents took a few years to teach her how to make do on the bare necessities, and how to scrounge for them if she doesn’t even have those. Ultimately, the use of this is dependent on circumstances, but the most enduring quality she picked up was the ability to be disciplined with food use and aware of her environment. [*] After having lived in solitary for some time, Katrina has become adept at jury rigging all the little pieces of technology and machinery she has to work long past their usual expiry dates. She is hardly a trained expert, but through a mix of trial and error and sheer necessity, she has learned how to get familiar with new gizmos and swiftly find what makes them tick. [/list] [b]Powers:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Chameleon:[/b] Katrina can blend in with the environment around her, making it a great deal harder to see her with conventional means. Katrina has to remain still in order to blend in. [*] [b]Suppression:[/b] Katrina can stifle sound and noises around her, ranging from muffling the sound of her footsteps to silencing a weapon discharge, and even reducing the volume of a nagging acquaintance. [*] [b]Pyromancy:[/b] Katrina has the ability to summon and command the primal force of fire, usually by means of ejecting it from her hands to envelop a target of her choosing. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] Katrina’s weapon of choice is a Belash-Arms “Eviscerator”, an assault-rifle style gun loaded with armour-piercing rounds capable of tearing a whole in the defences of most conventional human militaries. [*] Katrina makes sure to carry multiple miniaturized explosive charges on hand for multiple purposes, such as blowing open locks, blowing open walls, or maybe just blowing something open for fun. [*] Katrina acquired a skin-tight bodysuit during her wandering, called the “Halyna-Guard”. It was designed to allow unrestricted movement while protecting the user beyond adequately. [*] She also possesses a filtration mask both for handling gas attacks and for surviving in hostile environments. The mask has a button to extend over her entire head or simply rest over her mouth. [/list] [b]Airship:[/b] The “Free-Loader” was originally nothing more than a fairly small freighter from the planet Hetmana. Upon being repurposed by both Katrina and her parents, it has become a highly modified personal ship, with the focus being upon speed and survivability. It is both a transport and home for Katrina. [b]Motivation:[/b] Katrina has become somewhat aimless of late. Initially, she just wanted to fight back against people who had wronged her, and after that, against those that had wronged others. However, after many experiences with insurrections and rebellions, Katrina has become highly cynical, and mostly goes along with these movements half out of a sheer bull-headed desire to do something good, even if she feels it might not work out, and simply because burning down regimes is something she has become accustomed to. She goes from conflict to conflict, each time swearing she wouldn’t do it again, only to hear something that pulls her heartstrings in the next one. [b]Personality:[/b] Underneath everything, Katrina is something of a dreamer and an idealist. Nobody would think so from the way she acts, but via a combination of her upbringing and her experiences as an adult, she has developed strong opinions on right and wrong and a low tolerance for what she sees as unjust. These ideals of hers have catapulted her time and again into conflicts that barely had anything to do with her, sometimes because she made a snap decision to help at the time, and other times because choosing not to act gnawed at her until she could take it no more. Once involved in something, she finds it hard to disengage from it, as she takes these causes into herself in an almost self-destructive fashion. The reason why nobody would guess at her idealism is due to the pervasive cynicism built into her general demeanor. In spite of throwing herself into these situations at the drop of a hat, she always goes into them with a feeling that no matter what she does, it won’t necessarily work out for the better. As she tells it, it might be that a person she helps “turns out to be a jerk”, or helping a new group into power will see them “be just as much of a bunch of assholes as the last ones”, or even if nothing goes wrong, nothing will really change either. She doesn’t hesitate to let anyone know she doesn’t expect much of what she does, which frequently mystifies those that she gets involved with. She’ll also freely tell them she’s not sure why she’s actually there either. Outside of her strange crusade, Katrina is perfectly sociable, if not terribly enthusiastic about anything. Shooting the shit is easy enough, though she doesn’t expect much from the people around her, and neither will she go to any great lengths to develop some form of bond. She’s not one for mincing words, and if she has something negative to say, she’ll say it, whether it’s clear someone won’t like it or not. Generally, she doesn’t go looking for fights to pick, but she admits to having very strong opinions on a few subjects. Usually she’s just looking to chill out between tasks, and if someone’s fun enough to be around, she’ll be A-okay with them. She also enjoys blowing things up and setting them on fire. She’s not a psychopath, though. [i]Honest[/i]. [b]Flaws:[/b] [list] [*] Katrina’s bull-headed determination to get involved in conflicts could easily be her undoing, for as much as she harps on about how little she expects, she still ends up trying to do the right thing in the end, and could be roped into doing the wrong thing with the right sob story. [*] Katrina has no tact or delicacy when dealing with anyone, let alone someone who upsets her sensibilities. If you want someone to talk an enemy down or encourage an ally, don’t pick Katrina. [/list] [b]Bio:[/b] Katrina was born and raised on the very ship she calls home; the Free-Loader. Her parents, Vladiv and Katariah, were wanderers that went from place to place in search of something to do. They spent the majority of Katrina’s formative years teaching her all kinds of survival skills, such as weapon use, temperance with supplies, and general maintenance. Katrina wouldn’t understand the purpose of all this until later, but otherwise her parents were plentifully loving and protecting, and Katrina looks back on these years as the best of her life. Katrina was a teenager when everything turned for the worst. It turned out that her parents had fled the authoritarian, ultra-nationalist regime on the planet of Hetmana years ago. They were nothing important, just average citizens that wanted out of the insanity, but the Hetmanian regime was just that vindictive towards those that left it. They captured the family as they strayed too close to their area of space, and brought them to the planet. Katrina’s parents were executed without any pomp or ceremony, and Katrina was to be taken to a re-education camp to turn her into a “productive citizen”. Katrina was fortunate enough to be sprung from captivity by a local resistance cell, led by a man named Sergei Limonov. Katrina jumped at the opportunity to fight back against the regime that had wronged her, and helped Sergei’s cell on their long battle. Katrina grew close to Sergei and others during this time, and after many struggles and wounds, the Hetmanian government collapsed, and Katrina retired as an average citizen on the world she had helped liberate. But it was not to last. Soon enough, Katrina found out that Sergei had proved just as corrupt and brutal and overlord as those he had deposed, even reviving the re-education camps that she had almost been condemned to. Feeling beyond betrayed, Katrina picked up all the weapons she had used during Sergei’s rebellion and began to use them on the very people who had given them to her. She fought against so many people who had been her comrades just a year earlier. Once again, Katrina toppled the authoritarian regime of Hetmana, but it almost worse this time; no solid leader emerged like Sergei, and the planet collapsed into anarchy. Katrina fled the chaos aboard her parents old ship, swearing never to be involved in such a mess ever again. Yet, Katrina found she couldn’t help herself when it came to these things. Perhaps it was her past grievances, or perhaps it was because she was used to getting into these conflicts, or maybe she had no idea why, but whatever was true, she kept jumping at the opportunity to throw herself into gunfights and armed insurrections. The first rebellion after Hetmana saw her helping out because she saw a young family perish on a station she was passing through. That one didn’t end as bad as Hetmana, but the victors ended up being ineffectual and mired in political agendas, and Katrina left them without a care. It was not always great upheavals she was involved in either; sometimes she just helped a stranger escape armed pursuers because they seemed innocent and vulnerable, only to discover some of them were as bad as those that chased them. Somewhere in the midst of all this conflict Katrina exalted. Katrina doesn’t remember where, as between all the wounds and chaos, she doesn’t remember exactly when or where she suddenly got faster, stronger, and capable of spewing fire. Nor does she care; the whimsical machinations of gods or the cosmos or whatever don’t matter to her. She’ll take the nice gifts, but she won’t care where, why, or who. Katrina continues to travel Elysia with no real direction or purpose, just wandering with her ear to the ground, hoping that the next whistle of bullets leads her to something promising for a change. [b]Extra Info:[/b] Dragon Blooded yet not the least Draconic. [/hider] [/quote] Katrina is totally accepted. It was a great read and I really feel for her. I cant wait to see what she can do!