Hello all, I'm craving a modern day magic rp. Or more specifically: I have a world in mind and would like you to put your character in there to see how it works. Basically that means tou get to play one character of your chosing and I'll play the whole world around it (we can discuss what to do with your character's relatives or friends, but new characters will be my responsibility). I'll be the Game Master and you the character in a modern day world with a hidden magical layer. If this sparks your interest, please keep reading. [hider=The world] A lot about the world I'm willing to discuss, but what I want for sure is the modern day part. So it's 2018, current technology exists in that world as it does in ours. Magic also exists, but the past has shown time and again that said magic can only flourish when it remains hidden. There are forces at work to keep it hidden, so your character can't just shout out 'let's do magic!' in the middle of a busy street and start magically throwing or conjuring up things for everyone to see. [/hider] [hider=Your character] Your character must be over 18. If you're younger but feel adept at playing an adult character, feel free to do so. The reason I want your character to be 18+ is because I don't want to play a teen fantasy drama with silly love-interests, high school scenes and over-emotional characters. I don't want to deal with your character's temper tantrums or suicidal tendencies. I just don't enjoy that. Drama is fine, but I want to play with characters that are stable enough to be reasonable and can accept it when things don't always go exactly their way. As for gender: that's your choice. I prefer to have more than one character myself anyway, so your character will have plenty of opportunities to interact with either gender. [/hider] [hider=The magic] Here I have a few options. I would prefer to have a multitude of powers and beings in the universe, with your character being limited to 1 active and/or one passive power (at least at the beginning). Which power your character has would be your choice. I have some interesting settings in mind here for your character to explore. We can also go for elemental magic where your character controls one of the elements earth, air, water or fire (I don't see spirit or light as an element). We can make tribes for one element only or mixed tribes living among humans. We can discuss whether other magic than elemental magic is possible. There needs to be some science to the magic, in that it is bound to rules. For example certain ingredients will give the potion or spells certain traits. I don't want to randomly make up stuff, I want at least some foundation of why a certain thing will or won't work. Controlling your magic in my world is, as with all skills, something that needs to be taught. If you chose a character who just learns about their magic, they will need a lot of practise for small things to happen. If your character is already knowlegable, they'll still need to consult certain resources about dealing with certain problems and they need to develop a feeling for everything new they attempt. They can have an area of interest, of course, where they then know a lot about or will learn extra quickly. Furthermore: I don's do time-travel or raising the dead. The presence of spirits can be negotiable when well thought-out. [/hider] [hider=The plot starters] 1: your character is new in town, just settling in. I have a magical character who can make contact or perhaps your character moves in with someone magical. 2: your character is not new in town but is only just finding out about their magic or found it very recently 3: your character is not new in town nor to magic, but my character asks your character to help solve something 4: your idea Each of these plots have enough room for discussion [/hider] [hider=Activity] I'm a literate casual writer. I usually write 1-3 paragraphs per post. One-liners can occur if the story calls for it, longer posts when explanation is required as well. I ask that you use decent spelling and grammar, but whether you write 1 paragraph or 8 is up to you. I should respond pretty much daily. I can respond more than once a day, but I'm in Europe, which is +6h from New York, +9h from California so do the math. I ask that you also try to respond daily, or at least nearly every other day. Exceptions can be made for holidays or particularly busy periods, but I'd like to go back to near-daily posts again once that's over. I'm fine with nearly any way of roleplaying. Via thread, pm or discord is all fine with me, whatever you want [/hider] So, if you like what I wrote please contact me either via pm or this thread.