[b]Name:Peter[/b] [b]Theme:None[/b] [b]Gender:Male[/b] [b]Species:A wisp[/b] [b]Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/fa42/th/pre/f/2013/296/f/3/wisp__o__by_pinaguitaa-d6rkup9.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Goals:Reaching the best possible form the demon king can give. As a personal goal thats not really one of the characters is to become a beholder.[/b] [b]Past Life:In his past life he lived in a corrupt goverment. With famine, slavery, executions for minor things. Stuff like that. He together with a few other people had went to live in the caves where the goverment couldnt find them. They practiced their eyesight alot there to help them hunt and see in the dark caves. Usually for fun they would sing alot. Sometimes related to situations sometimes not. Peter also practiced lucid dreaming. To help him escape from reality sometimes and just have a good time. He didnt get technology at all from living away from it for so long. Eventually the goverment found them and killed them. When the demon king gave this offer he was happy to take it. Because maybe then he would live a good life where he can interact with more then just a few people.[/b] [b]Abilities:Mana Orb I, Lesser Force I, Levitation. Probably abilities gained from the past life added later by the gm.[/b] [b]Transformations:Wisp. Hoping to be a beholder sometime.[/b] [b]Inventory:Nothing[/b]