[center][img]http://otomechannel.net/system/comments/images/000/620/450/original/image.jpeg?1499164523[/img] [color=f26522][h2]Ikazuchi Hiroko[/h2][/color][hr][color=gray][b]Path to somewhere - ???[/b] [/color][hr][/center]Keeping to mind their names as she was more than sure that she would need their names later on in their... voyage, Hiroko listened intently to what Kaito had to say. He mentioned something about appearing from 'thin air' but she was rather sure that this was meant to be some sort of exaggeration or expression. After all, they didn't know where everyone came from so it might as well be that. She rubbed the back of her head. Well, there wasn't any shelter around but maybe having food or water would be good seeing as they had none on their person right now. Adjusting her grip on her backpack, she readied herself for a trek. Might as well do something to get back to civilization wherever that may be. [color=f26522]"Sounds like a plan. Let's find a place to stay at for now."[/color] She said with a nod as the broken up path went through a torii. As they all knew, seeing as they all seemed to Japanese like herself, a temple should be nearby or this was a holy site. If all else fails, at least they knew that someone uses this path. Anything that has a roof would be a blessing right now. She knows that staying out at night wasn't exactly the best idea in the city - and she guessed it went double for when they're in an unfamiliar location and also in the middle of a forest. She then began walking. Might as well take the lead just in case something was out there. She wasn't about to let three younger kids take the fall by taking the lead. For now, she'd at least try to 'protect' them. They looked around college age or late highschool age. [color=f26522]"If nothing else, at least we have someplace to stay for the night."[/color] She tapped her finger on her side - a small gesture she usually does with her friends to tell them to follow. She had done it unconsciously and simply slipped her hands inside her pockets, pretending that it had not happened.