The party and their newest plus one rode through the putrid waters mostly in silence, with only the Bladeslinger offering his services. Araerys could only look at him and nod her head curtly for they were passing by Daisy's remains, and her mouth had formed a thin line on her face to keep her emotions at bay. Soon enough, though it felt stretched to an eternity to the bard, they reached the stairs that led them back up to the cathedral. It seemed ages since they'd clambered down the very steps, and Ary was lost in thought as they pushed through the doorway, only to find themselves faced with a strange sight. Lex, the paladin she had healed earlier, forlorn and manacled before them. A woman and her officers, clearly ready to jump in a moment's notice. The shock on the half-elf's face could have rivaled the despair that colored it not too long ago. After it passed, and as the commanding knight spoke her words, Ary's eyes slid into condemning slits as she glared at their former comrade. Lawful as he was, he had no right to add further insult to their injuries this night. She could feel her slender hands balling into fists beside her as she hissed at him, unable to hide the betrayal she felt. "You snake." Yvah had stepped forward, was speaking now. And though Araerys was the most sure of her character, knowing this must be some type of ruse, her emotions had the better of her and she momentarily glanced at the girl in bewilderment, before her anger was once again refocused on the stubborn obstacle before them. Sure they had just fought of a league of horrors, but she wondered if the group was in any shape to be fighting again if tested.