The more I delve into self reflection and assessment, namely through various disciplines of psychology, the more I find myself greeted by agreeable and far more terribly disagreeable portions of my being. In a way the "we", the self and the shadow, come to a point of debate and argue decisions or directions internally. Consistently I have come to note that the more I deviate from the norm inherently, not by conscious design, the more I find contentment with myself through that internalization and improvement to individualization; that I care not that I am eccentric and unusual naturally, but more that I am in fact proud of that. Yet as one indeed imagines this places me at odds to the social norms and customs, where it then becomes a game to remain a distinct entity with agency, yet find a way to work it into the system at place for both to achieve desired ends without disruption. A long story short, I invest a fair amount of time into self assessment and I am equally pleased and frustrated with myself as a result.