Jack the Gambler was riding into Selina looking disappointed as he looked around the town. it was small and looked positively uninteresting but he didn't want to sleep outside anymore. He slowed his horse down as he tried to get his bearings looking for a place to tie his horse, get a drink and some food. He noticed the sheriff looking at him and decided to get down from his horse, taking the reins and stretching out his body from being in the saddle all day. and started walking towards the Sheriff with his horse following behind. "Hey, Sheriff any good place a man can get a drink and some food around here?" Jack was dressed in fancy black and white cloths his black hat looked fancy too he almost looked like a big city person but his accent made it sound like he was a country boy. He smiled as he introduced himself "I'm Jack the Gambler, I'll probably be around these parts here for a few days. I hope we can get along." Dan, Jack's horse, started nipping at his sleeve. "alright alright Dan. we're going we're going. See ya around Sheriff" Jack tipped his hat at the sheriff and started heading towards the place the sheriff recommend for food and drink.