I got a little ahead of myself and wrote up a CS ^^' I've kept the backstory brief to reveal more IC. It's nothing too serious though, just more details about his upbringing and how he got into his craft. I apologise if his magic seems a little... involved. EDIT: I was also thinking he could join the gang in Hargeon, if that's alright. [hider][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmYzZTFhMC5WSEpwYzNSaGJpQkVaV2x0YjNNLC4wAAAA/trinigan-fg.regular.png[/img] [color=lemonchiffon]♪[/color] Character Theme | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boHXXyJUE9U][color=LemonChiffon]Team Player[/color][/url] ♫[hr][hider=Appearance][img]http://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-27/art/ge2-soma-schicksal.jpg[/img][/hider] [i][color=silver]Tristan is a young man of average height and lean, toned build. His tan complexion is smooth, aside from a few freckles dotted across the bridge of his nose. His blonde hair is grown out to just above his shoulders and is purposefully unkempt. His left earlobe is studded with a silver piercing, matching the one he wears on his right nostril. Tristan's face is round and a little plump around the cheeks. He has a small, crooked nose and a pair of sky blue eyes. His eyebrows are kept thin and he has a scar just above the right brow. Tristan dresses very casually; sneakers, baggy trousers, shirt left dangling out over his waist with the top buttons left undone. In colder weather he'll usually wear a jacket or a hoodie. Finger-less leather gloves are a staple of Tristan's attire.[/color][/i][hr][color=lemonchiffon][i]"Shh, listen! Hear that? It's the part where I win."[/i][/color][hr][/center] [b][u]Full Name[/u][/b] [indent][indent]Tristan Deimos[/indent][/indent] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] [indent][indent]21[/indent][/indent] [b][u]Guild[/u][/b] [indent][indent]Fairy Tail[/indent][/indent] [b][u]Guild Mark[/u][/b] [indent][indent]Right pectoral[/indent][/indent] [u][b]Joined Since[/b][/u] [indent][indent]New[/indent][/indent] [u][b]Magic[/b][/u] [indent][indent][i]Bard Magic[/i]: More than just tantalizing performers, recounting the tales of valiant heroes, Bards are exceptionally talented explorers possessing keen senses and a sharp tongue. Marksmen of deadly accuracy, Bard’s rain down death from afar with a volley of Magic Arrows. All the while, Bard’s bolster the strength of their allies with their songs; leading them into battle with protective arias and hymns of courage. [hider=Spell List][b][u]Hawkeye[/u][/b]: Bard’s possess exceptional eyesight, able to pick up the minutest of details from afar. [b][u]Repertoire[/u][/b]: Performing certain actions while under the effect of a specific song grants [u]Repertoire[/u] to the Bard. Repertoire has different effects depending on the song played. [indent][indent][u]Mage’s Ballad[/u]: Repertoire allows for the Bard’s next cast of [u]Bloodletter[/u] or [u]Rain of Death[/u] to have no Magic Cost. [u]Army’s Paean[/u]: Repertoire quickens the Bard’s in-combat movement, allowing for increased fire rate and enhanced agility. Repertoire can stack up to four times. [u]The Wanderer’s Minuet[/u]: Repertoire allows the Bard to execute [u]Pitch Perfect[/u], a powerful attack that grows stronger based on the number of Repertoire acquired. Repertoire can stack up to three times.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]Steady Shot[/b][/u]: Magically enhanced arrow shot with no spectacular qualities. Landing three Steady Shots in a row grants [u]Repertoire[/u]. [u][b]Caustic Bite[/b][/u]: Fires a toxin infused arrow at the target, dealing minimal damage over a long duration. Whenever both Caustic Bite and [u]Storm Bite[/u] are applied to a single target, the Bard gains [u]Repertoire[/u]. [u][b]Power Shot[/b][/u]: Stands still and winds up a powerful, piercing shot. Power Shot gains damage and range the longer it charges up. If the Bard charges Power Shot for its full duration of five seconds, they gain [u]Repertoire[/u]. [u][b]Bloodletter[/b][/u]: Fires an enchanted arrow that deals heavy damage and ignores all physical obstacles or defenses. Possesses a high magic cost. [u][b]Peloton[/b][/u]: Enchants all nearby allies and vehicles with increased speed. Peloton does not work while in combat. [u][b]Barrage[/b][/u]: The Bard rapidly fires three Steady Shots at once, but cannot move while firing. [u][b]Mage’s Ballad[/b][/u]: The Bard’s song enhances the spell casting of all nearby allies. Drains Magic Power for each spell cast within the Bard’s vicinity to significantly enhance its power. Mage’s Ballad lasts until a new song is performed or until the Bard runs out of Magic Power. [u][b]Foe Requiem[/b][/u]: Releases a sharp, abrupt wave of sound from the Bard that temporarily lowers magical defenses of all enemies within hearing range. [b][u]Storm Bite[/u][/b]: Fires an arrow infused with wind magic, dealing continual slashing damage to the target over a long period of time. Whenever Storm Bite and [u]Caustic Bite[/u] are cast on the same target, the Bard gains [u]Repertoire[/u]. [u][b]Misery’s End[/b][/u]: Fires an enchanted arrow that deals minor damage normally, but significantly increases in power if used against a target inflicted with [u]Caustic Bite[/u] or [u]Storm Bite[/u]. This effect increases if target is afflicted with both spells and grants [u]Repertoire[/u]. [u][b]Army’s Paean[/b][/u]: The Bard’s Song raises the morale of their allies, enhancing their physical prowess exponentially. Drains Magic Power continuously to heavily bolster the strength of all nearby allies. Army’s Paean lasts until a new song is performed or until the Bard runs out of Magic Power. [u][b]Rain of Death[/b][/u]: Fires an enchanted arrow into the air, before a rain of arrows blankets a small area. High Magic Cost. [u][b]Warden’s Paean[/b][/u]: Cures a negative magical effect from a single ally. Grants [u]Repertoire[/u] if successful. [u][b]Nature’s Minne[/b][/u]: Rouses an unconscious ally back to a weakened state. Extremely high magic cost. [u][b]The Wanderer’s Minuet[/b][/u]: The Bard’s Song inspires allies and squanders the Magic of their foes. Drains magic power to maintain an enchanted ring around the Bard that heavily dampens the magic power of enemy spells cast within it. The Wanderer’s Minuet lasts until a new song is performed or if the Bard runs out of Magic Power. [u][b]Pitch Perfect[/b][/u]: Only accessible during the [u]Wanderer’s Minuet[/u]. Consumes all current stacks of [u]Repertoire[/u] to unleash a near instantaneous cutting blast of sound at a single foe. Pitch Perfect’s destructive power increases the more Repertoire the Bard expends when it is cast. [u][b]Troubadour[/b][/u]: Adds an additional effect to the current song played by the Bard. Drains additional magic power to maintain the effect. Troubadour ends when the Bard stops playing or changes songs. [indent][indent][u]Mage’s Ballad[/u]: Allies under the influence of Mage’s Ballad also have their Magic Power restored continuously so long as they remain within hearing distance. [u]Army’s Paean[/u]: Allies under the influence of Army’s Paean also have their Stamina restored continuously so long as they remain within hearing distance. [u]Wanderer’s Minuet[/u]: Allies under the influence of the Wanderer’s Minuet also receive minor healing continuously so long as they remain within hearing distance.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]Battle Voice[/b][/u]: Doubles the effectiveness of the current song played as well as grants [u]Repertoire[/u]. [b][u]Empyreal Arrow[/u][/b]: Fires a single, powerful shot that splits into countless, smaller arrows. Empyreal Arrows erupt on contact. [u][b]Refulgent Arrow[/b][/u]: Charges back a powerful shot, summoning six Magic Circles adjacent to the Bard that each channel their own shot. Upon firing, all arrows are released and converge on a single location. [u][b]Sagittarius Arrow[/b][/u]: Fires a golden arrow into the sky, parting the heavens to the sound of trumpets and blanketing a massive area in front of the bard with continuous barrages of golden arrows. [/hider][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Mage Rank[/u][/b] [indent][indent]A Rank[/indent][/indent] [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Enchanted Bowharp[/i]: The holder medium for Tristan's Bard Magic. This trick weapon is an elegant longbow capable of firing Magic Arrows, but is also able to transform into a harp by folding the bow down via an intricate mechanism. Tristan is able to switch between firing arrows and playing songs in a near instance with the bowharp. A useful tool that all Bards should employ if they wish to find success on the battlefield.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] [indent][indent]A suave charmer with a slick tongue and quick wits, Tristan is a big presence who refuses to be ignored. Everything he does is dripping with hyperbole and dramatics. Tristan does not know the meaning of the word subtle, living life in grandeur with a sickeningly upbeat and positive attitude. To say nothing of his romantic gestures. A naturally affectionate person, Tristan isn't shy about making advances on both men and women in any circumstances. He could have his life on the line and still find time to get a girls details while no one is looking. Despite his positive disposition and friendly, if not a tad overwhelming, persona, a keener eye would be able to sense a lot of Tristan's mannerisms are in fact put on. He puts a lot of effort into maintaining the facade of an upbeat guy, and it can be quite exhausting. Tristan is the kind of guy who cannot handle someone not liking him. He's always worried the people closest to him will leave him and can be quite clingy when he starts to get too comfortable around someone. [/indent][/indent] [b][u]Biography[/u][/b] [indent][indent]A bard is not wont to recall his own tale, much preferring the exploits of more valiant heroes. At least, that's what Tristan tells anyone who tries to peer into his past. In truth, Tristan's background was fairly normal. He was raised by a loving family, practiced magic and eventually went out on his own. He traveled the country, performing for all manner of interesting individuals. Yet no matter how grand a show he put on, or how many smiles he brought to the faces of those who came to see him, Tristan couldn't escape the emptiness inside him. Being on the road was lonely, and all the people he met were only temporary. It was a life disconnected from people. He had considered returning to his family, but to do so would admit his own failings to his family. So he continued on the road, looking for a place where he could bring smiles to loved ones with his music. A place where he could pursue his ambitions of being a mage and create meaningful relationships.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]Extra[/b][/u] [indent][indent]Tristan's birthday is the 11th of July. His Star Sign is Cancer. Tristan is ambidextrous. Tristan can also play the flute and piano. He never received official music lessons, learning everything by ear. He can't read sheet music for this reason.[/indent][/indent][/hider]