Sorry for taking so long. I kept not liking what I had after sleeping on it and starting over, so like I said this is kind of a mixture of failed characters I made for other things. Lemme know what all needs to be changed or if it needs to be totally redone. [hider=My Hider] [b]Name:[/b] Violet North [b]Nationality:[/b] American [b]Appearance & Physical Attributes/Picture:[/b] [url=]Picture[/url] With light brown hair and eyes of a slightly darker shade, Violet stands at 5 foot 4. (1.6 meters) Despite her slightly visible musculature from her above-average fitness, she is somewhat underweight at 105 pounds. (7.6 Kilograms) [b]Age & Birth Date:[/b] 14, born May 13, 1997 [b]Trait: [/b] Sincerity [b]Hobbies & Skills:[/b] - General knowledge - Eidetic memory - Coding in several languages - Multilingual [b]Digimon Partner:[/b] Yukimibotamon - Moonmon - Lunamon - Lekismon - Crescemon - Dianamon [b]Quote & Personality:[/b] "I can't understand how it feels. I won't pretend to, but I also won't pretend to care or to not care. I won't pretend to accept your response to your pain. If you want something different than the world wants, then fight for it." Violet can best be described by her actions and by what others have said about her, as well as her own statements. As such, she has been allowed to comment on this file in purple text. Attempts to describe her traditionally are generally met with failure, as she is eccentric to the point of being nearly non-understandable. The most obvious facets of her personality are her strange sense of humor and her tendency to either be extremely excitable and extroverted or extremely introverted and reflective, with seemingly no middle ground aside from her "jokes." (See "Quotes" for more information.) She is incredibly intelligent and well educated; in a sense she is exactly what one would expect from the child of two highly intelligent parents, in that she is not only a prodigy in many regards, but has few social skills and many odd quirks. She has a somewhat unhealthy obsession with snakes and an equally unhealthy hatred of insects, both exacerbated by her rather severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Due to a separate disorder she does not fully experience the sensation of pain that a regular person would. That is not to say that pain is totally eliminated, rather that her body's nerves don't react as strongly to painful stimuli, resulting in her feeling less pain. This, in combination with her total lack of fear of death has resulted in several self-inflicted hospitalizations throughout her lifetime. Perhaps due to her disorder, or perhaps simply a quirk of her mind, she does not exhibit the usual reactions to injury. (Screaming, clutching the wound, etc.) [b]Bio:[/b] Born to a father who works for a large electronics company and a college-professor mother, Violet has never wanted for anything. Being home-schooled by her high-expectation mother, she spent her days sleeping and finding entertainment in cartoons and anime while her nights were spent cramming an entire public school education in semester sized chunks at a time. Having a nearly perfect memory made the process quick and relatively painless, leading her to develop a detached personality, as if life were just something to do for the sake of doing. Her father got her interested in anime at a young age, and it quickly became one of her regular interests. Coming from a family with money, she was able to experience nearly everything she wanted as soon as it came out, and went so far as to teach herself several languages just to be able to enjoy the more obscure (often fan-made) material and the original versions of various shows and manga. It was this fascination with that first sparked her desire to learn programming. Her dream of making true AI became so all-encompassing that she began ignoring her studies entirely despite her mother's insistence. At age 12, her mother made her a deal that she couldn't help but accept; if she could finish the rest of the schooling that her mother wanted from her in one year, her mother would use her position as a college professor to request an early taking of a GED test, allowing Violet to spend the entirety of her teenage years doing whatever she wanted. And so she consumed everything that she came across, getting not only the equivalent of a high school education, but quite a bit of a college education as well. The day after her thirteenth birthday, she completed the testing for a GED with a perfect score in four of the five categories. (Ironically, it was mathematics that wasn't up to snuff.) She's spent the months since then working under an alias as a "white hat hacker," working with companies to find weaknesses in their security for a fee in the hopes that she'll somehow find the inspiration and knowledge she needs to finally create an AI that could be considered truly "alive." [/hider]