[center][IMG]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/835941111369728002/STknGIC8_400x400.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][color=#8fbc8f][h1]Fay[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] “You could’ve killed someone.” The husky voiced doctor said. The words repeated in Fay’s mind as she sat on the sofa with one leg over the other, her hands resting on top of her lap. Her breathing was slow and controlled. She stared down at her hands. The same hands that reached out to wave away the scaffolding. The same hands that held Billy as he cried. The same hands Billy was pulled from as his mother was schocked by what Fay had displayed. With the thumb of her left hand, she rubbed over Lee’s name on her wrist. She didn’t know what this doctor was after, but he was not getting to her. She knew she saved him. She knew she didn’t do anything wrong. For about a year now, they had been trying to break her here at Paragon. She didn’t know why, she didn’t know how and she didn’t know when she would crack. It got harder and harder every day. “The scaffolding could’ve hit other people as you carelessly threw it out.” No. She saved him. She did. She looked before she moved the metal pieces out of the way with her powers. She checked. It was the right thing. She looked! She looked.. right? Fay blinked two times, the tears that were forming quickly went away. No. She didn’t do anything wrong. The young teacher brought her hand up to her collar and touched it, wrapping her fingers around it. She had become used to the cold metal, but she couldn’t become used to the constant badgering. [color=#8fbc8f]“You’re wrong.”[/color] Fay looked up with a smile and dropped down her hand to her lap again. “I saved that boy. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m pretty sure we’ve passed our time.” She stood up and straightened her white t-shirt before putting her hands in the pockets of her grey sweatpants. The doctor sighed. Fay sometimes thought that he knew he wasn’t getting anywhere with her. After saying goodbye, Fay was escorted back to the common room. With her right hand, she ruffled through her curly hair. Her eyes scanned the room for familiar people. She knew most people, and most knew her. Some people greeted her, some smiled at her. Fay was always known to be polite and kind. Even within the walls of Paragon, even towards the employees of Paragon. She walked passed Ivory and waved at her. They’d bonded over books before. Fay aat down across from her friend, who’d been her even longer than her. They’re both teachers, and they somehow connected. [color=#8fbc8f]“Hey Kennedy.”[/color] She said with a warm tone and a soft smile on her features as she crossed one leg over the other. [color=#8fbc8f]“Sage.”[/color] He too received a smile and a nod from the her. She heard the chair beside her skid over the floor. Someone sat down beside her and started talking up a storm. She had seen him before. He was a welcome distraction though, as he talked to Victoria and called her Vicky. Fay chuckled, this guy was amusing, although she did feel he could be a tad less mean. Her chin leaned on her palm while her elbow rested on the table. She eyed Kennedy from under her lashes with an amused expression.