On some level Solae understood that Rene, desperately as he might try to reassure her, had no more answers than she had. Closing her eyes she tried to let his well-intentioned gestures soothe the waves of desperation that were rolling over her. The way he stroked her hair and pressed her to his chest unabashedly provided comfort but also distraction as well. Without looking at his torso to remind herself visually it was covered in horrible bruises it was relatively easy to imagine he uninjured. Solae felt that if she only focused on the rise and fall of his abdomen with each inhale and exhale she could have pretended that none of it happened. The marquise could have dreamed that this was an intimate moment between engaged lovers, not between emotionally damaged strangers, that the Imperial Embassy was still a bastion of bureaucracy, that her mother was still waxing poetic about appropriate suitors, that Marlene was proudly displaying her latest purchase, that Lord Armon was still sending her suggestive overtures as if she wasn't aware he craved her title more than her personality. Allowing herself to believe the lie, however brief, would have been catastrophic. Momentarily bliss would have been an escape that could not last; instead Solae had to force herself to cope. "I'll do it," she half-whispered. Mia didn't realize what she was asserting or Solae was certain she would object. Chances were Rene was likewise confused by the statement and so after a touch of hesitation she sought to clarify. "I'll remove it myself. All I need to do is scan myself and then... well, I'm not a medical professional but there aren't other options. We have an emergency kit to provide topical anesthetic and clean up after the fact." As brave as the highborne noblewoman sounded there was no mistaking this for a perfectly safe procedure. Cutting down into her thigh was unlikely to be lethal but it would not be without at least temporary muscle weakness and limited mobility while she extracted the tiny implant. "I strongly suggest that you do not attempt to retrieve the CLTI yourself, Lady Solae," Mia chastised but in a tone that sounded more like a dominatrix scolding her subordinate partner than an actually disapproving computerized entity. "Your objection is noted Mia, but we don't have anyone qualified to diagnosis the common cold, much less take a knife to me. It's a risk I'm willing to take," she countered smoothly, "I'm not discussing an amputation. I could have been hurt worse by the shrapnel at the embassy than what I'm suggesting." Solae was much more worried about Rene's assumed protest because, unlike Mia, he could try to physically prevent her from taking action. No matter how battered he was he had the upper hand in strength, endurance, and almost certainly speed. "If we can get the CLTI out," she mused aloud as her mind churned forward in a pragmatic fashion, "and get farther from Armistice, I speak Syshi." The Syshin were an intelligent bipedal alien race that had been subjugated by humans (allegedly) centuries ago. Their inability to cross-breed with humanity had relegated them to second-class citizens used for tasks delegated by the empire that even peasants were less than willing to do. People gave them a wide berth in person, avoided their communities like the plague, and would learn every language but their native tongue, but benefited from the fruit of the Syshin's labor nonetheless. Solae had learned Syshi because she wanted to comprehensively speak [i]all[/i] the languages that were utilized nearby regardless of cultural emphases of their importance. There had been only two encounters she was required to interact with [i]any[/i] Syshin and only one had been in person- that was with a representative of a village on the outskirts of Armistice regarding a crime with a Syshin suspect. As untouchable as the Syshin were to farmers and elites alike, as downtrodden as their existences were, they respected anyone who took the time to learn Syshi. Even with a well-coordinated rebellion the Syshin were almost certainly not valued by the coup's leaders. Likewise the Syshin would care little about the massacre or politics; they did not have strong allies in the local government, they were not targets for the reaping, and their status would not improve with new 'ownership.' If Solae could communicate with them and offer them anything- even the spoils of Armon's house- they might be willing to hide the couple and locate a ship for them. "The Syshin! If we can find them I think I could persuade them to...," she started. She had retreated back from his grasp far enough to take his face in both her hands with unthinking excitement. As she realized what her movement looked like she stopped, listening to the rushing blood in her veins and the acceleration of her heartbeat. Impulsively she leaned forward, still holding his cheeks with her palms and the tips of her fingers brushing against his hairline, and kissed him passionately. It had been the heat of the moment action without any forethought. Just as suddenly as the desire had filled her she was acutely aware of what an inappropriate imposition made on him. The marquise had made it difficult- if not impossible- for the soldier to reject her rash actions with delicacy. "I'll... go take those scans now," she mumbled, not sure if apologizing would dig herself deeper into the proverbial hole she had manifested. As if on cue Mia decided it was the appropriate time to fill the small room with the aroma of tropical flowers, play the music from the evening prior, and dim the lights. Solae stumbled to her feet, fighting for her sense of balance as her senses were overwhelmed by Mia's involvement. The heiress struggled to focus on the CLTI and the pressing need for its removal. This was no time to be trying to take advantage of Rene.