[quote=@DocTachyon] [@Thecrash20] That is largely what I was thinking most characters would have, though I don't really consider that a 'power' in the typical sense, y'know? I guess in terms of powers I was more thinking of like, super strength, super speed type deals for certain characters. Like, Grognak just straight up wouldn't work if he wasn't super strong, or a Supermutant as the case may be in this RP. On top of that, I think every character kind of [i]has[/i] to have something special about them, whether it's a piece of gear that only they really know how to use, insane physical attributes, or specialized training of some kind, because without that, they're not really Superheroes, are they? At that point, they're just dudes in costumes waiting to get geeked. [@AngelofOctober] I can picture it now. [url=https://www.gamerguides.com/assets/guides/107/125964-1454630400.png]THE ANIMAL FRIEND![/url] [@Burning Kitty] Glad to have you, Shroud! Also, in terms of characters, it might be neat to have someone be The Mechanist or the AntAgonizer or something. Just a random thought. [/quote] More like the Animal Fiend, lmao