Alice rolled her eyes at Dalton's comment, though she didn't argue. Doll face indeed! She wouldn't lie as she did often look similar to the porcelain dolls that lined shop shelves. With her pale skin, large green eyes and fashion choices it was a common parallel that people drew. Not that the tiny tailor really minded. But her attention was torn from replying as a woman dressed in black approached. In all reality, Alice was feeling a bit under dressed for the occasion, but there was no hope for it. As she flicked a keen gaze of the woman's garment, the young vampire found herself appreciating the selection. Good taste did count for something, as well as good care for one's clothes. But this Aleera, was it?, Alice found her comment a little off putting. Not wanting to be assumed as Dalton's date. After all, that wasn't her intention in the least. Not towards any man after that fateful night. "Merely a friend's friend." Alice answered softly, looking a tad bit embarrassed at the thought of being Dalton's anything. "So you are quite correct in some regard." Her smile was a small one that was polite but nothing more as she skated by giving her name. Uncertain what to say and not wanting to reveal herself or lie.