[centre][h2][colour=6A5ACD]Neb[/colour][/h2][/centre][hr] The mando’s comments about Ryloth bounced off of Neb like dust off a deflector shield. She was about to reply when a rodian stepped in to try and simmer things down…for all the good [i]that[/i] did. Instead she replied with a smile and a slow shake of her head, her lekku swaying slowly back and forth. [colour=6A5ACD]”[i]That[/i] is the problem with you Mando ‘hard boys’…”[/colour] She replied, waving towards his tense grip. [colour=6A5ACD]”Always so quick to take offence.”[/colour] Yawning a bit, she shifted her rifle from one shoulder to another, a sign she didn’t see the mandalorian as an imminent threat. [colour=6A5ACD]”As for Ryloth? It’s just another dirt ball I haven’t been to. I was born a slave to one of those people that like to hire Mando ‘hard boys’ to swagger about and make ’em look like their king shits of whatever dung pile they’re squatting on. You wanna piss me off hard boy, you’ll need to do better than that.”[/colour] [sub][@vancexentan][/sub]