[hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Gold]Rhys Asher[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378688333867646976/422255485312565259/df0f62f8c2142e8ad9d0dec68836d9f6.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Gold]Location: Wizard Way[/color][/center] [hr] The tall and dark wizard stiffened at Erinie's words. Noting the trio with a sour twist of his mouth, Rhys decided he would have to call this meeting short and risk filled. It wouldn't do to kill four victims in such close proximity to the locked down Wizard's Tower after all. A flash of anger rose through the rogue wizard's face as he gritted his teeth in only partly a show. "So of course you think I'm mad. What with a whore for a mother who was probably drugged up to her eyes in potions, from what Erik spewed." Well he could remember the wizard's scathing comments and harsh words. The very reason Rhys had ended his former mentor's life. "I risked enough coming out of hiding to [i]this place[/i] with some bastard trying to kill me to help a boy, and this is what I get met with." The taller man turned away with a long sigh, as if he was exhausted by his efforts. Running a hand through his thick locks the taller wizard shook his head slowly in sorrow. It was true, if the guards got their hands on him and connected him to the murder of Erik he would probably die. "Just forget you've seen me Ernie, if only for the boy's sake. I can't help him if whatever killed Erik gets to me." No he wouldn't be able to help the boy if he died by his own hand, not that he ever would. Moving back towards the street, Rhys let his steps be slow and solemn. Rushing would only get attention he didn't want or need. Plus it wouldn't let the shorter wizard catch up or speak if he was going to. But this was a problem. That Ernie had seen him, and knew he was alive. This was not the plan. Resolving to pay a visit to Fleur and ask for a few deaths in return for her asking price- and hoping it he could lower it.