[center] [h1][b][color=000000]Jacob Hare[/color][/b][/h1] [img] https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/4QIAAOxyVLNS3oxw/s-l300.jpg [/img] [i]Images quite obviously not mine[/i] [img] https://static.zerochan.net/Seragaki.Aoba.full.1164001.jpg [/img] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/23/e5/20/23e5204eb3cebc3f8eea1e4fb53bb664.gif [/img] [h3][i][color=000000] " If the choice comes down to run or fight I'm running, never been caught before, how would lightning or throwing tables with your mind change that? "[/color][/i][/h3] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Jacob Hare [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Alignment:[/b] Guild [b]Rank within Organisation:[/b] Member [b]Birthmark Shape :[/b][img] https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTFdzJpX5AthWKIaYC8o-IyY_oAyUfd8XuIDBk1s1fr_G0wZbv7 [/img] [b]Location of Birthmark[/b]Back of the head where spine meets skull. [b]Magical Abilities :[/b] In simple terms, portals. In a few more words, Jacob can literally bend reality in order to close the distance between two locations. The stability and accuracy of these portals depend greatly upon Jacob's wellbeing, and any use of these portals is taxing on him. Gateways- The more traditional portal, Gateways have several requirements. For a location to be come a permanent gateway location Jacob must set up an Anchor. Anchors are magic sigils that allow Jacob to properly lock onto a desired location without having to have visual contact. Anchored gateways preserve energy, allowing Jacob to transport more people in one go and nearly eliminate the energy over distance requirement for unanchoreed gateways. Jacob can only have four Anchors active at any time, and Anchors can be easily destroyed, Jacob is notified if one is destroyed. Blink- A short range movment spell derived from Gateway. Unable to move a target farther than a few feet, Blink has trouble moving anyone other than Jacob, and impossible for those not in physical contact with him. Like Gateway, the number and size of occupants as well as repeated use is extremely tiring. Unlike gateway, Blink is instant and can move Jacob beyond thin walls with or without eye contact. [b]Place of Birth:[/b]Texas [b]Currently Residing:[/b]New York [b]Personality:[/b]Jacob tends to be the last person to give up and the first to leap into danger to save a freind, though that may be due simply to how long it takes for him to trust people. Those who Jacob trusts can count on a quick getaway in any situation. Jacob's trust however, can harm him as well. Unfortunately he tends to be a bit blind, always seeing the best in his friends even if that good part does not exist. In this way, he has been tricked by the suave and manipulative before. In the end, Jacob is still a kid. He yearns for a family and yet his previous experience with people have all gone sour. He retains a sense of childlike wonder that only adds to how difficult it is for people to take him seriously. [b]History/Bio:[/b]Born to a Japanese woman and an American man, Jacob was quickly given up for adoption by his teenaged mother. Moving from home to home Jacob eventually found himself living with the Hare family, A group of wealthy Texans running a string of BBQ restaurants worldwide. Through the Hare family Jacob found a place to call home, this was not to last however. It was soon after the beatings started that Jacob developed his powers, and also when the strangers arrived. They called themselves Magi, and as unsure as Jacob was he immediately went with them, anything to get away. This was how Jacob joined the guild. He spent his time honing his powers by transporting various guild members to various locations, mainly the new Anchors turned safehouses for guild members on the outside. Jacob enjoys the guild, but hates hiding away from the world, he yearns for a chance to be outside without having to worry about people learning about him and flipping out. Relationships [b]Name:[/b]Aloysius Leighton [b]Relationship:[/b][s]Best Friends - Good Friends - Friends - Well known[/s] - [b]Warm[/b] - [s]Acquaintances[/s] - [b]Unknown[/b] - [s]Cold - Dislikes - Hates - Enemies - Rival - Nemesis[/s] [b]Characters opinion of them:[/b] Good looking? Yes. Evil? Yes. Good looking? So much yes. " I may not agree with his methods but if siding with him means I can stop hiding one day then I just might. " [b]Name:[/b]Salem Adelaide de Silva [b]Relationship :[/b][s]Best Friends - Good Friends - Friends - Well known[/s] - [b]Warm[/b] - [b]Acquaintances[/b] - [s]Unknown - Cold - Dislikes - Hates - Enemies - Rival - Nemesis[/s] [b]Characters opinion of them: [/b] " She obviously cares greatly for the guild, and is out to prove herself. All in all a real leader if ever I saw one. I just hope she can get the guild somewhere, I realise we are powerful things, us magi, but it does not mean we hide away and give up a chance at a normal life just because humans are xenophobic. "