Abigail wasn't sure exactly what she'd find here. What Vivienne would say. She hadn't expected the prison to be this bad. She had never been down here before and even know was a bit afraid of getting caught. But that didn't stop her from remaining. At the woman's question, Abigail winced slightly. Another reminder that the person who saved her life would end up dead because of her. If she hadn't fallen in the woman probably wouldn't have been noticed by the Commodore and in turn wouldn't have had to run. Abigail wondered how she did manage to get captured. She had a head start and had seemed clever enough to get away. She also hadn't appeared worried when Abigail had given her a spot to hide too. Which meant, she had a plan. Or had. Somehow it backfired. Unless this was part of it. If it was, Abigail couldn't see how it was helpful. "I'm sorry you're hear." Her voice was quiet and she moved a lot closer to the bars so Vivienne could hear her without giving away her own presence to the guards. "I wish I could do something but my uncle won't stand to hear of it. He thinks you're a pirate. It doesn't matter if you saved my life." There was a bit of anger in her tone at the injustice of it all. It was unfair and injustice. Pirate or not, a life for a life. The woman had saved her life - the niece of the governor. That had to have counted for something - right? But no, when she had attempted to explain it, her uncle shut her down. Even Elizabeth - who had listened patiently - told her that there wasn't much that could be done. And that, yes - the woman had saved her - but undoubtedly for ill intent. She had used her as a hostage. And that move right there had made Elizabeth immediately dislike Vivienne. Abigail could tell, even though her cousin tried to hide it, that Elizabeth did not feel bad that Vivienne was going to hang. In a way, she was almost glad. She too seemed to overlook the fact that Abigail would have drowned. Something that the young girl could not forget. "Why did you save me?" She asked curiously. "You could have left me alone and never been accused of being a pirate. You would be free right now." The woman couldn't be a pirate. They were ruthless. Not kind. And definitely not one to risk their neck for another.