Kinoko gazed at Yuvo, who seemed to be in a rush to fight the three of them. If he wants them to change, the princess will gladly change and charge first. With 21 floating down towards them, she could only look at the Majin-android in disbelief. Why would she do this? The power that Yuvo displayed seemed to be weaker, as Amaia claimed. If what she analyzed was correct, Kinoko was all in for it. However, with 21 threatening them, the princess took her stance, although she didn’t willingly advance. She really didn’t want to hurt her, but was 21 giving her a choice? “I want answers, first! Tell me, Amaia. What gave the right idea to terrorize millions? I thought you didn’t believe in killing nor violence”, Kinoko was still not convinced that 21 would ever do such a thing. As long as the princess knew her, it wasn’t in her nature. “Guys, I’ll take care of this”, she said, stepping forward, and changing into her Super Saiyan form. “Yuvo’s all yours”.