21 remained silent at Kinoko's question, she clearly didn't want to fight either but that was hard to tell for Yuvo who was only staring at her back, she didn't back down however only digging in seeing her change into her Super Saiyan form. When Goku and Vegeta did the same she shut her eyes her nails digging into her skin at the sight. Yuvo grinned at this as his eyes let off a red glow, he held his arms out grinning as his green aura seemed to surround his body once more. Ryo watched this his eyes narrowing a bit before he looked back at the others. Goku and Vegeta rose into the air as 21 started to move forward when something appeared behind her. Ryo had dashed forward and raising his hand chopped 21 in the back of the neck. Her eyes widened as her Ki suddenly vanished and she fell to the ground unconscious. "What?" Goku said looking down. Yuvo looked down as well and seeing 21 unconscious sighed and crossed his arms, that was a bit of a problem. Not a large one but he didn't want any hindrances and his current plan involved her. If the information on them was off which judging by the power levels of the two Saiyan's in front of him it was, he was going to have to make adjustments. That and the masked one down there was unknown, but since she was strong enough to take down 21 out in a single move, she probably wasn't a pushover. "How unfortunate...painful as it is I'll have to retreat, I'm not in the mood to deal with four of you." "Who says you're going anywhere," Vegeta said flying towards him. "Solar Flare!" Yuvo yelled bringing his hands to his face. A blinding light hit everyone in the area and Yuvo's chuckling could be heard before his Ki vanished, when the blindness faded Yuvo was gone along with his energy. "Damn it! That cheap little..." Vegeta trailed off as Goku pat him and motioned down to the ground, the two landed next to Kinoko staring down at the unconscious 21. Goku looked up at Ryo whose attention move from her to them. "I'm...not sure how to feel about you right now," Goku said. "Is there a reason you did that?" Ryo offered a small nod though he wasn't sure how he was going to explain it without a voice. Turning he started walking away from the others not really about to get too into that. "...I guess we take her back home," Goku said. "We can have her explain when she wakes up." Ryo didn't make it a few feet before he realized something was wrapped around his leg, lookign down he noticed 21's tail was wrapped around his ankle, he blinked before reaching down and trying to yank it off with little effort. [i]"The hell is this made out of steel?!"[/i] "I guess you're coming with us," Goku said looking at Ryo. "It's probably for the best, that Yuvo guy will probably come looking for you too." [i]"...how delightful."[/i]