After Neil's first and only love had died on Fortus, he'd appreciated many beautiful women and had an almost hormonal desire to protect such precious commodities because they provided a much needed service as far as he was concerned. Plus they filled the void, however little, of what he once had. But he didn't feel that way recently, nor did he at the moment (much). He didn't really know why. "Don't worry," he said, patting Aiden on the shoulder. "She's still alive. Oh!" Neil knelt down and rolled the woman over onto her stomach as Taya wiggled past them, terror from the thought of Sayeeda's merciless nature evident in her eyes. "Don't want her to suffocate on her tongue." he explained, and bound her hands and dainty feet. Aiden followed behind Taya, and Neil took up the rear. Aiden was clearly put off by the casual shooting, but Neil could tell the man would have to admit it was lucky to have someone run out there and open the door for them. To say the inside was lavish and decadent would be a gross understatement. Tapestries and curtains made of the finest deruvian silks cascaded down the walls and separated the outer rooms, substituting solid doors. When Neil pulled them aside, they felt as soft as a dancer's thighs. The floor looked uniform, yet it was sturdy but soft, with a material that was not only practical, but he wouldn't mind sleeping on. The air held a hint of lavender and expensive wine. Paintings from all across the galaxy with colors he had never imagined were placed along the walls, displaying great historical battles and heroic feats of kings. "Hard to imagine this guy's after the throne, eh?" Neil joked, which provided a raised eyebrow from Aiden. After exploring the outer rooms, Neil located a vidcaster in the next room. It was an opulent living area, with couches of lush pillows and tables of wine, fruits, and sausages. There was a balding man, lounging and watching the vidcaster as they gazed into the room. The Prince stroked his refined chin, contemplating. "That's Gaius' rival, Archimades. Why would he be here?" he asked softly. "Is the opposition to my rule bigger than I thought?" "We can interroga-" Taya began, only for a 'clack' to be heard from within the room. The companions looked in to see Neil having pistol whipped Archimades on the head with his firearm, knocking him out cold from behind. "Well Taya, you got yourself a platform." Neil said, indicating for her to get to work rigging the vidcaster to broadcast. Taya facepalmed. Neil began to clear out the room of telling objects and expensive paintings so as not to announce where Aiden would be broadcasting from his background, while Sayeeda guarded the entry ways. This was one of the first rooms with actual doors, and once Neil cleared the place he guarded and took point at the opposite exits. These doors looked to be sliders like the halls down below, but they would indicate an approaching person with a red light at its center, below the small window at the top of the door. [@Penny]