[center][h3][color=B0C4DE][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180415/8766bcbe72dc86096741efaec737debc.png[/img][/color][/h3][/center] [center] [sub] Bride of Keregar [@Legion02]; and sister bride of Nadia [@Vesuvius00][/sub][/center] Xaelia bit back a whimper, her body trembling as the knife trailed its way down her body. The few breaths she dare take were shallow, not trusting any movement, less it cause the ruined dress to slip away. Tears slowly started spilling from her eyes, running down her face as she kept her arms stiffly by her side, clenched in fists. “[b]Do you like exploring? I heard you talk about your homeland so I bet you do. You must’ve seen many places the bright sun touches. Though I am much more interested in what the sun doesn’t touch[/b].” Xae was never one for meek actions. But all she could do now was stand there and tremble. He could have whatever he wanted and there was nothing. Absolutely nothing she could do to stop him. A few deep breaths were drawn in as Xae readied herself for the inevitable. Her eyes closing tight to block the drakkan from her mind. There was a loud crash of thunder and a shout. Xae cracked open her eyes to see the little drakkan standing as her savior. In the next moment Keregar entered through the door. Tracking in mud and dropping armor as he went. A shred of hope flared in her chest as Keregar walked across the room. Only to be crushed by the bitter truth. [i] He is the fire, and the son is the frying pan. And you are the fish[/i]The holes in Keregar’s amore showing layers upon layers of scars and other wound. So many that Xaelia couldn’t believe that a single creature could have survived them all. Following Karagen were the twins. Left in their current state, Xaelia was certain that she could have taken them. The pair limped in, one taking note of the knife in his brother hand. The pair bickered a moment, throwing insults. But the words of their father made them wary to linger. “[b]I hope you’re not a deep sleeper. I’d hate it if you’d miss my little visit tonight[/b]” Xaelia let out a silent sob, at his words, hugging herself tightly, even as the drakkan strutted off, deeper into the house. And the little drakken remained her silent guard. “[b]Are you alright? Sorry, I-I didn’t mean to…[/b]” In Spite of it all, the poor boys reaction brought out a choked laugh. She nodded, finally reaching a hand up to wiped away the tears with the back of her hand. Her other one still struggling to hold the martial that was her dress together enough to provide the slightest bit of dignity “[b]Varzar. The Gems are tired. Lead them to their chambers[/b]” It seemed that the little drakkan was just as quick as his brothers after being given a command from his father. He quickly lead the girls down a hallway, passed a few closed doors. Deeper into the house. [i] No doubt to keep their treasures well protected, should the occasion every arrive, [/i] Like the main room, the rest of the house gave off the district aura of being temporary. What little furniture there was looking worse for wear and the walls were bare and cold. Varzar finally stopped in front of the heavy wooden door. The entrance was nearly hidden in the shadows of the house. Varzar pushed the door to reveal a small room. There was a fire burning in the corner, giving off the only light in the windowless room. There were four beds pushed against the wall, but only two of them were adorned with grey blankets and tan pillows. The rest of the room was plain, built for function above all else. But it was warm, warmer than any other room in the house. At the foot of each bed, stood a tuck. Although plain by the standards of the Gem’s, both trunks seemed out of place, far too pretty and fragil for the harshness of the rest of the room. “[b] I-it locks[/b] he said weakly. He stood a moment longer waiting for the girls to say anything. Before adding a faint “[b]If-I’ll come check on you later. It would be better if you...didn’t leave the room tonight. Good night...Mothers[/b] The last word coming out far more quickly than any of the others before shutting the door behind him. Xae gave Nadia a wide eyed look. Before turning from her and head to her personal truck. All of the clothing inside were various shades of brown, blue, green and white. Simple clothing. Comfortable, functional and so different from the ruins of the dress. Xaelia reaching inside and pulled out a long white shirt. Letting the ruined dress fall quickly to the floor. Her movements were quick, matter of fact, as though she had done it a thousand times before. The white shirt had been designed for a man and had baggy sleeves. The shirt ended just at her knee. After that she ran a quick comb through her hair and then stood for a moment, looking for another task to be completed. But there was nothing more to be done. She stood in the center of the room, looking lost for a few seconds. With a cry she fell into the floor, crumpling into a tight ball as tears started falling down her face. Her body shaking as sobs wracked it. [hider=tldr] Xae cries cuz bad touch. But then she gets ‘saved’now her dress is ruined and she is crying on the floor. Like every good ending to a bad prom night’ One day this won’t be a mobile post [/hider]