[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dZsL0GS.png[/img][/center] As David awoke from the near trance he'd been in, he looked around and saw expressions of panic in most of the other attendees, hell all of them were anxious in some way about the weird noises and the eerie atmosphere and everything about the entire situation seemed very off. The ex-cop, Trisha was her name, stood up and peeked out of the room, along with the other young lady. He was tempted as well, even as he unconsciously pulled his camera from his messenger bag and held it in his trembling hands. The noises weren't getting any softer and he sure as hell wasn't getting any younger. David crept out from his seat, even as the younger lady (Ash, was it?) stifled a shriek and hid behind the cop, who drew her firearm in response. The room was lit only by the street lamps outside and the candles within and yet...all the light didn't make the atmosphere any less creepy. It didn't help when he heard that unearthly shriek as whatever it was that made those noises spotted them. At the cop's discretion, David made his way out of the room, ducking underneath her gun since she was aiming out into the hallway. Regardless if anyone followed him, the journalist in him wanted to know more...what was the cop facing down that had her sounding so scared? The temptation was too much to resist... Slowly, David turned to face the horror in the hall. Everything he knew about the world vanished in that instant. The tentacled, spiked abomination that stood in the center of the hallway was clearly not human. Despite the cop's demands for it to identify itself, he knew the monstrosity wouldn't speak. It knew only action, [color=d39c55]for it felt real. Real enough that perhaps maybe a bullet or two would stop it from advancing on the rest of the unarmed civilians, him included.[/color] His hands trembling, David did the only thing he knew how to: he raised his camera to his face, centered the monster in his lens and depressed the shutter button. [i]Zssh-click.[/i]