[center][h2][color=ed145b]Tomoe Kishitmoto[/color][/h2] [img]https://imgur.com/SadY0bu.jpg[/img] [color=f49ac2][u][i]Location[/i][/u][/color] [b]Dorm room[/b] [@Silver Carrot][/center] They had both agreed to head back to their room for the time being. Tomoe could easily have slept anywhere on the world but her room always did feel best even though it was barely a month old. Tomoe almost instantly fell asleep, she already had a bad night of sleep because of the Dulga problem so this was all well needed. Hitomi her music blasted through her earplugs. You could head them from a mile away but yet Tomoe paid no heed to unnecessary wake up calls. Tomoe was dreaming of a food festival where she was the queen of all foods and could eat as much and many as she liked. People from her class would offer her food and she would rate their offerings in exchange of money, homes and goods. They were all fairly decent. Some specialities that deserved villas. Tomoe was trying to eat her pillow as her small body clinged onto it. Drool was comming from her mouth as she grinned in a pleased way. She definitly seemed to enjoy sleep. About an hour in sleep and chill when Tomoe suddenly decided to let herself drop off the bed onto the cold hard ground. Tomoe yelped for a moment. Ut peacefully slept on. It was for a moment that her danger senses activated and produced a clone from her mind to protect her. It would happen more often. Her double popped out from a quickly accumilating cloud of pink fluf and stared at the cold flooded girl on the ground. The clone, Nomoe gave a deep sigh before picking up the girl and putting her back to bed. She tucked her in well to the point she wouldn't even be able to leave her own bed. Nomoe had her job well done and wanted to sit alongside the bed to watch her double sleep when she noticed the roommate was there as well. When she noticed she sat down with a poof hastily folding her legs and looked the other way from Hitomi with a click of her tongue as she appeared to be rather irritated by the sight of Hitomi. Furthermore she kept herself quiet and wouldn't let herself be known by this woman.