WIP - Have to go somewhere, will edit later; [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE5OC5hZDAxMGMuUm14bFlXSnBkR1UsLjAA/hello-ween-font.regular.png[/img][/center] [center]“You don’t have to worry. We’ll use all of you. Fear after all is the mind killer.”[/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8j_KgAgOnw[/youtube][/center] Age: 25 Alias: NA Appearance: Coming Soon Paragraphs [hider= A Killer Smiler][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/mmQ6gJ/Fleabite.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [hider= Path of the Great Mother][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/gB2xoy/Fleabite2.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Abilities: [u][b]Skills[/b][/u] Med - actual medicine. To his people he’d be considered a healer of some sort. He knows the right tools to help with a wound. While he knows about chems as well, using an assortment of them on his own to seek signs from the Great Mother and hear the voice of the universe. He also pretty handy with a scalpel and bandages. Char - You know a man who leads or helps lead a cannibalistic group of animal telepaths can be quite persuasive and likeable. Despite being intimidating and kind of creepy, and maybe a little bit insane. But then again aren’t we all a little insane. But it is also this skills that allows him to lead his people and for his people to follow or encouraged to follow. Unarmed - He has no problems taking down a man with his bare hands. He seems unusually strong for a human in an underground cult who worship animals, mother nature in a sense, and eat their fellow kind. But Fleabite is not left defenseless. [u][b]Powers/Perks [/b][/u] Equipment: Ripjaw and Shredclaw - his war dogs [hider= Don't worry they are loyal companions][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/m9LYTy/Ripjaw_Shredclaw.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Brass Knuckles Rope, handcuffs, and a sack that carries bandages, scalpels, a first aid kit, 1 radaway, 3 stimpaks, 1 buffout, 2 Psycho, 1 Jet, 1 slasher, and 2 Mentats Background: I have never met someone so foolhardy and yet so interesting before. You ask to interview me when I have decided you fit our requirements for sustenance? Very well. If that is your last request, your death wish if you will then I’ll oblige. Where did I grow up? Why of course here in the Den. With my brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. Certainly I must have had a mother who birthed me and a father who gave her the seed, but in the Den we eventually all share the same blood together. We’re tied by the things we hear, through the animals of the Wasteland and the blood we drink? Is that enough of an answer for you? Oh my childhood. Well it was uneventful. Well I mean uneventful in the sense that it all seems ordinary to me, but not to you. My brothers before me were warriors, we go out and collect the food. Maybe persuade it down to the Den. As we did you. But none of them ever became what I have become. See while many of us can speak to the beast of the Wasteland. I also can sense danger. Call it some kind of sixth sense. My parents, my actual parents, thought it some great gift from the Great Mother I do believe I agree. It’s nothing like seeing visions, I just get these odd sense and think we shouldn’t go this way. I guess that’s how I got into the position I am in now. Well it’s more complicated than that. For anyone young man to become a warrior of the Den and to prove himself, he must cross a great valley of radiation and not die. You of course will assume many have died doing so. Some have died, but made it back to the Den. But they all get cleaned up if they make it. See in a fit of radiation poisoning I had a dream. The misguided Children of Atom will have you believe there’s a goddamn ghost in the Atomic Wasteland. I do not doubt it, but it’s not Atomic ghost. Instead the voice of the Great Mother guided me to my two special dogs. Ripjaw and Shredclaw.They guided me out of the radiation poisoning and back to the Den. My people believed Ripjaw and Shredclaw were some kind of demigods that blessed this earth. After they heard my dream of the Great Mother. So naturally of course, you agree with them as you would that you were chosen by the Great Mother for something greater and kill the former leader in the night and take his throne. No one complained really. Then again they all believe I can speak with the Gods. I can. But that’s my whole story in a tight little bow. It isn’t important really. Our future is more important. Other: [u][b]Karma[/b][/u] Ghouls of the Subway Tunnels - Good Standing - the Ghouls don’t bother the Den as much as they use to. At first the Ghouls didn’t know what to think with the strange human sacrifices that went down and while they may be hostile if anyone enters the Den itself, outside of the Den they do trade goods and have a neutral zone where they meet. And sometimes accidents do happen. Sometimes the Feral Ghouls take a nibble or two out of their tribe members, but everyone has a good laugh about it later. No point in worrying over spoiled meat. CMC - Not Good Standing - There’s something about people getting upset because you find their people the weakest and tastiest that gets them upset when you take their people. It’s honestly just a difference in opinion. Brotherhood of Steel - Hated Infamous - If you thought the CMC were sticks in the mud, the Brotherhood of Steel has made an enemy out of us. They have raided the Den more times then we’re comfortable with.We have had to renovate and change the tunnels to the inner sanctum of the den more times then we can count. They call us even more scum of the Wasteland than the scum. They have called to annihilate us all. But we won't’ have it. We’ll stand against them. [u][b]Faction[/b][/u] Beastlords Deep in some irradiated tunnels it is not the feral ghouls you have to worry about. In fact even the ghouls seem cautious of the irradiated, broken down railway system. There is a cult of individuals who can somehow control animals. They called the tunnels their Den. And are notorious cruel to those who enter their territory. They are known for their acts of cannibalism. And are said to have a shamanic leader with abilities beyond controlling animals and that he can hear the words of the Great Mother. Whomever she may be. *Fleabite is their current leader