[color=708090]He finally wakes up from his hazed state amidst the commotion. Was it too late? Did he fail? Was he going to get locked up again? He got up and somewhat composed himself. They were trying to make him fail. It was a test, they were all actors trying to get him to slip up so they can lock him up again. But he wouldn't fall for this lie. He was smarter than them, he gad gotten out after all hadn't he? They couldn't keep him locked up forever. And on the worst case scenario, it was all actually in his head and not some play with actors. SO he just had to take control of his mind in order to calm down everybody. Somewhat composing himself, he got out of the room, a confident smile on his face and you could swear he was chuckling to himself, pushing his way forward through anyone who might be blocking the door. Assuming he got out he said:"Now what?" just as he was to make the turn to face the creature. . . . . . . He found himself running the opposite direction with all he had. You would never guess that man to be above 30 years old based on how fast he hightailed it. The moment he saw the creature a tear streamed down one of his eyes, his smile frozen on his face along with his blood. Everything was still but for a split second until he regained his bearings, yet again, from the momentary shock and found himself running through the hallways of the building. Luckily for him, his body had a better survival sense than his mind since it started running before his mind even processed the dreadful nightmarish picture that laid before him inn that instance.[/color]