Constance grit her teeth, holding her ground as some advanced before her. As she hunched her shoulders, ready to take a blow, she looked at the girl wide-eyed in fear. "It's ok... Everything will be fine." Hearing Mirror's words, she nodded. Looking towards the portal, she looked back at the girl. "Run, run as fast as you can. I'll make a distraction, ok Odel...?" Odelia. The girl looked so much like her whenever they heard dragons in the forest. Odelia always had a gaze of wisdom and courage, far more than Constance had had at her age. The girl had streaks from where her tears had gone, but now stepped up to her role. Wiping her bloodied cheek, she nodded to her one last time. "I... I'll come through the portal once everyone is safe." God, she looked [i]so much[/i] like Odelia. Pangs reminded her of her siblings, her home, and the fact she was their only protection. Not much like she could slip out of this, even if she wanted to. Standing quickly, she already her the girl's feet pattering through the blood. Game time. She bolted the opposite way, trying to knock back anyone trying to go after the girl, skidding to a stop and she saw an opportunity. Her lip was bleeding from biting it so hard. Unclasping her boot in one swift movement, she grabbed the biggest rock she could find in a quarter of a second. Willing something deep inside of her as she saw she shimmer of the city of light from the corner of her eye, she threw the rock towards the enchanting chandelier swaying furiously above them all. Just before she though it would hit, she tried to release some strange solar fusion she felt like butterflies in her stomach upon that medium sized rock. Before she could even see if it hit the chains or not, she was under her shield, bracing for impact.