Oh shit! That's three already! I was not prepared! I said I would get the OOC up when there were at least three sheets but I was not ready! On the one hand, that means you guys are awesome for getting all of this in for me. Like seriously, you have no idea how happy it makes me to have this kind of reception. I cannot say enough times how grateful I am. [@Drunken Conquistador] I'm gonna give him my endorsement too with no modifications. However I will still give some critique while the opportunity is available. I am the Storm sounds awesome and I see possible uses as discount telekinesis in battle. Power of dreams is kinda already accounted for in the innate ability to speak to the conscious and unconscious mind of the chosen so I don't think that needs to occupy an ability. Feel free to toss something else exciting in there too. I would also like to see a bit more about Agabyzus while he was involved with the original Shadow Legion. These are not required for me to formally approve it but are just my feedback. [@YungTweak] I'm gonna also give Lord Bale my endorsement with no modification requests. My critique would be this: A lantern as the totem is interesting, as traditionally its supposed to be something wearable, but I have no objections to expanding my interpretation. I would like to see Berzerker Rage also be a way to power up Agnon's basic magics (which it's reasonably safe to assume all Legionnaires have a basic dark aetheric prowess, in addition to whatever unique feats they're known for). He sounds like an excellent late-fight character and I'll welcome him aboard too.