[@Rai] Personally, I like it. It exceeded my best expectations. I see nothing that would stop the character from being accepted. [@Dusksong] There's fluidity. Though it came across as "isn't kind but pretends to be". Which is fine. But if I may provide a non-binding example of the "corruption" of a trait method for Kindness, I'd suggest the following: A character is "nice" insomuch as they are pleasant, but with the bent that he/she is basically a doormat/pushover in a way. Having the character think they're "nice", only for it to be a banal passivity from wanting to avoid trouble and not speaking up about certain things to avoid "inconveniencing people". Another way to spin it would be for their actions, which would be kind under normal circumstances, to be only a "pattern", and not an active choice, meaning they're not actually doing it out of a genuine desire, but only because it's what they always do. [@Raddum] Despite the delays, that was pretty fast nonetheless. Once you get your Digimon personality, you should be good to go. In regards to Blaze: Sonic Breath, I don't have a problem with the velocity. Especially because it fits with being ignited breath, if choked flow could cause enough pressure to compress the air to ignite things around it, akin to meteor fall. Metal Greymon fires what is effectively a nuclear missile, anyway. In regards to Slayerdramon, you don't need to take species fluff that seriously (especially because it typically refers to naturally occurring Digimon/Digivolutions and not partnered Digimon). That being said, if you want to have something akin to that take place, cool. I'm sure we can work something out. If you feel, when the time comes, that it doesn't fit, then you aren't beholdent to it. Also, minor physics glitch- if one is 5'11", and around a hundred pounds, they'd be rather waifish, bordering on emaciated, I'd wager. Close to dangerously underweight though. Based on the build you described, he'd be closer to 200 pounds, depending on exactly how muscular he is. Like 200 would be lightly but noticeably muscled. I should know, I'm 5'11" myself. Side note, digging the Digimon choice. it's straightforward, but not one I see a lot. [@Tenma Tendo] Interesting, and a lot better than what I had thought would come of it, I'll admit. I am intrigued with how Alex will play in the RP. However, there may be a sticking point when it comes to the Rookie stage, so I was wondering if that was negotiable for you or not. There's also the- well, it's a minor pet-peve of mine, that your character's image appears to be that of an anime character that isn't [i]that[/i] obscure. I don't have the deepest of anime knowledge, so I'm just guessing here. Now I could normally let it pass, but there's the mild issue that the pictured character's name seems to mean lapislazuli and your character's last name is lazuli. Also, just an observation, we have a somewhat high density of dragons.