[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/comic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180426/77487f68551f9ee14d7934e5eb3b85d4.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] Bored out of her skull watching the reruns of life along the reruns on the channels then it came to her; a game to play against herself. She was going to track the least visited space in the Tower, maybe it was a forgotten place. Two hours and nineteen minutes later she’d found if not an unvisited place but at least it was interesting. It was clear to see it was an exercise area but none of the equipment had that bulky hard to break look like the meta gym equipment so she thought it might have been set up for the minders to use but how wrong she was. The place was the former private exercise studio granted for the use of one of Horizon's more interesting non lethals, Lady Gaia. [center][hr] [url=https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52627348e4b0823534b23503/52de6a34e4b03cda32c71b77/57fadc39e6f2e18cf1dd0635/1476058174309/IMG_2872.JPG]Bag-Racks-Rings[/url] [url=https://www.rossathletic.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/UnevenBars.jpg]Uneven Bars[/url] Mats Machines, climbing, riding, stepping and a couple not sure yet. Free weights [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/be/37/cc/be37cc9ee01c55f4a08b31d4f55e97f2.jpg]Private shower steamroom and sauna[/url] Walk In Closet that had leotards, leggings and all other manner of exercise tog Women only [hr][/center] As she wandered the forgotten rooms and touched things of a woman who was dead, missing, and or possibly on the run Sydney saw why she heard people call her Princess, she acted like you hoped one would. The Lady had gone missing in that big event down in Antartica, when they called an all in and they tossed into a raging battle a woman who’s talent had feed 100s of 1,000s after disasters, who could have ended the threat of world starvation with her research. So Sydney simply smiled and took a seat on a leg lift bench with a comfy back rest on dialed in the show. [hr] [center]7 years ago[/center][hr] [b]Velma dear please listen to me, I want you to use your powers But I want where and how you use them to be your choice; it's even Okay that you still work with Horizon. “I’m an MP sweety, a peer, I can get you out of this place”[/b] Pleaded an older gray haired man Sydney felt her mind placing from her internal archives. They were not alone in the room men in the supply uniform of the Tower were assembling the equipment and gear in the spacious room. Then there were two Minders one Sydney knew but now he was older the other was likely working somewhere else in the world or dead; minders never quit. Then she turned her expresion glowing with excitement, [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/71be1420-c741-4722-a19c-3cd28544d182.jpg] Lady Gaia Dame Marberry[/url] [color=seagreen]Oh Daddy that would be a waste of your power; not that you can’t do it only that its effects on our family reputation and the favors you would have to call or owe. They are being very accommodating daddy, they even set up this gym for me to use, I can’t do that equipment they normally use, it looks so industrial and I barely register. Not very encouraging to see you barely twiddle the needle.[/color] No wonder Horizon used her as a Public Relations hero she was pretty, well spoken and confident. Even though it had been over 7 years since Lady Gaia appeared on video Sydney had seen her and could remember the warmth in her voice. The fallback shifted away before finishing this time showing her Lady Gaia confronting one of the OLs (Overlords/Directors) [color=seagreen]Robert you know that your present methods will eventually result in the rebelion you fear. No matter how lovely the guilding eventually the inmates notice the bars. It is not within any branch of humanity to suffer imprisonment too long and prisoners we are now with the latest rules. Forcible conscription, incarceration, unwanted experimentation, and who knows what other dehumanizing may be required in the future if we have no say at all in the matter at hand. Your Doctors caused a miscarriage and they are accused of doing it on purpose because the parents are both meta. I am not here to accuse them or Horizon of wrong doing, what I am saying is that in event the fuel of conspiracy is the lack of transparency and when Evergreen offered to help she was locked out; Amelia can regrow lost limbs. Why would one of the most powerful healers be keep from a medical case?[/color] The director sighed and Sydney could sense his lack of honesty even in fall back when he spoke [b]Velma the Doctor was new and made mistake of thinking he had it under control then the fool tried to cover it up...he’s being punished for his stupidity. As for the latest rule changes I have tried to stress a more relaxed stance in the Tower rules but I only have one vote. Please try and keep your people under control, they have even worse rules they need reason to put into effect[/b] then the director gave away his inner thoughts in his body language; He cared for her. The images grew more repetitive scenes of her and three other women who it seemed had no super strength enhancements, they were obviously friendly almost like a sisterhood. It was all interesting but surely there were travel items left here by her. [hr][center] Real Time[/center][hr] Sydney popped out of her fallback and could now place the faint scent the room had, it was the scent of Lady Gaia who strangely could remind you of green gass could also confuse you with flowers and fruits. That scent was not so much what she smelled like but the more dominant local plants in flower, it was part of how she talked with plants. Then the slender, young, and now curious Sydney headed into the walkin taking only moments to understand the layout of drawers and the pleasant fact that stocked it with things the other ladies of the Tower might need if they became a guest of her’s. Made it easier to look about thinking of the things she planned to put on and model. But first things first, jewelry. It was all kept in a digital safe which Sydney punched in after watching the Lady do it several times just to make sure there were no 3rd day tricks. None of the things in the safe held any great value other than 30% had silver in their makeup the rest was semiprecious stones and things she’d picked up in her travels. It was good they held no real value to the rest of the world for to Sydney they were like rare and beautiful journals. The most beautiful of all the things was a small silver memento ring whose focus was two raised hippocampus facing their tails forming the band. It was only a little like Lady Gaia’s family crest but enough that she bought it herself when she was 12 years old wearing it either as a ring or leather cord bangle under her shirt in school. Next was a shell necklace made over 150 years ago give to her by a grateful people she kept feed for 2 months and then taught the secrets of their island’s botanical layout; Velma wore it on the rare vacations she took under the guise of Tower Public Relations. The steamy side of Vel was the selection of silver toe rings which she wore even in uniform if she were in the mood.