[color=00aeef][center][h1]Chres Sansus[/h1][/center][/color] Major interactions with [@Elevation], [@13Org], [@SonofJet], [@HokumPocus], [@Jerkchicken] [hr] Chres listened to the Royal Guard's answer as the innkeeper prepared some lemon flavored water for Chres's flask. The man's answer wasn't exactly an answer, but it did tell Chres a few things. First of which, was the obvious take away. The king turned to them in desperation. He was going to lose this war and he knew it. Second, it told him that the king was seeking out a power from the Cult to turn the tides of battle. The king had already let them into the country so assuming the man was still alive, he had cut a deal with them. The real question then was, what kind of power did he get from the Cult? If there was one thing the Cult is known for, it would be Insight. What exactly this Insight was, however, Chres didn't exactly know. Chres had heard many rumors about Insight, he may have even experienced it first hand. Vivid memories of a dream that was far too real, immediately followed by rage and death. His colleague Fen, disturbed and shaken. He spoke of seeing visions and admitted to killing Tarn. And then there was Mercaido. 'I saw myself die a few minutes ago.' he had said after trying to kill Chres with a crossbow. For many nights, Chres had laid awake wondering about that day. Visions. Death. Friends turning against each other. What had caused all of that? Was it the Cult? If so, then how? They had barely interacted with the Cult that day. Perhaps it was caused by The Distortion. There was so much that was unknown about it. The Cult might know more, though. Perhaps they had the answers. A small itch crawled up the back of Chres's neck. Chres ignored it. Chres began rubbing his chin lost deep in thought. The Innkeeper still preparing his drink. The man looked like he was listening in on the conversation. No doubt he himself had questions about why the king had seen it fit to allow the Cult into the town. Chres turned his eyes back to Sil. She had her finger to her mouth, listening intently to the rules of the game. She must have become a touch bored by his explanation, because she had begun to slowly rotate her form clockwise until she was completely upside-down. [color=a2d39c]"Hmmmmmmmmmmm..."[/color] She said as he finished explaining the rules. [color=a2d39c]"So all I need is Sp- Spudu? Spagali? Spa- Hmmmmmm...[/color] Sil began completing her rotation back to the upright position again as she continued pondering what she was trying to say. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. [color=a2d39c]"Ah-ha!"[/color] She exclaimed, making her right hand into a fist and pounding it into her left palm. [color=a2d39c]"Spaghetti! Spaghetti? I need spaghetti! Spaghetti and six mice!"[/color] [i][color=a2d39c]Psst.[/color][/i] Chres arched an eyebrow as he heard her voice in his head. [i][color=a2d39c]Chres, what's spaghetti?[/color][/i] Chres simply shrugged, honestly having no clue what she was talking about. Spaghetti? He had never heard of the stuff before. Where did she ever get a word like that? [i][color=a2d39c]Don't worry Chres. I'll tell you when I find out.[/color][/i] She said, nodding to herself. Looking as though she was on an important mission. [color=a2d39c]"Six mice..."[/color] She began while turning her gaze to the noble's familiar. [color=a2d39c]"Oooor... One really big mouse."[/color] Mouse? Not long ago, Sil definitely thought the familiar a dog... Sil giggled as she flew over to the noble and began tugging on his shirt. [color=a2d39c]"Mister! Mister! Mister! My name's Sil! Nice to meet you! I need your help to play that fun game over there."[/color] She said pointing to the man who took out his dice. [color=a2d39c]"You want to be my friend and help me play? We need to roll that big mouse of yours over there. If we roll it six times, we win! Also, we need spaghetti! I don't know what spaghetti is, but maybe that man does."[/color] She said pointing to the the blond haired man who entered earlier and asked for wine and cheese. Not waiting for an answer, she then flew over to the blond haired man. The innkeeper had just handed him his wine and cheese. [color=a2d39c]"Hey you! We need spaghetti, and we need it fast! Do you have any we can borrow?"[/color] Chres sighed. [i][color=00aeef]At least she isn't throwing food.[/color][/i] He thought to himself. The innkeeper handed Chres his flask, now filled with lemon flavored water. Chres took it smiling gratefully. But the innkeeper wasn't paying attention to Chres. Instead his eyes were on the Royal Guard. [color=a36209]"Hark, my friend. I know you have your orders, but the king must know the trouble the Cult's presence has caused."[/color] The innkeeper said to the Royal Guard- Hark. -Hark was the man's name. Apparently they were acquaintances. [color=a36209]"I don't know what they are telling people, but what I do know is, ever since they came here, everyday people have begun to attack people they have known their whole life.[/color] The innkeeper paused before continuing. [color=a36209]I've seen people attack family claiming them to be crooks, cheaters, whores. My wife's best friend killed her husband and before going after my wife calling her a harlot. And the one thing all these people have in common? They've all visited the Inn at the center of town. The one the Cult has procured. The king must hear this, Hark! Shimmer Town's lord won't listen to our cries, but surely the king will listen! I don't believe all this talk of him abandoning us."[/color] Chres listened carefully to the innkeeper pleas. What the man had described sounded far too similar to to Chres's experience in the Town of Kaltem. Fen, Mercaido and Chres. All of them had turned to acts of violence. And that was in a town that had been ruled by the Cult for centuries. So then what would happen if the Cult seized control of a town that was not already under their control? Suddenly, Chres's blood went cold and his face turned pale. His eyes widened in sudden realization. Slowly Chres looked up at the female with the white hair. [color=00aeef]"Dangerous may be an understatement."[/color] He said raising from his stool. [color=00aeef]"I think... I think this town is in trouble."[/color]