[quote=@Master Bruce] Heh. I've had a concept in my head for awhile for a version of Spider-[i]Woman[/i] that takes the concept of a teenage Peter Parker and transfers it to his daughter instead, throwing in the trials of being a teenage girl as opposed to a teenaged boy onto the Spider-Man thing and gender-swapping a few of the rogues' gallery to see how the dynamics change. Basically, MC2's Spider-Girl meets Spider-Gwen but with my own take on it all. I also thought of a version of Spider-Man where he didn't get his powers until he was 40 years old and had to simultaneously balance being a single father and a superhero. Which was also a concept I had for The Punisher at some point, where one of his kids survived the Central Park massacre and he had to balance killing criminals every night with a suburban life, giving Frank a "secret identity" to play with. I've... spent alot of time needlessly thinking of alternate versions of alot of characters. Don't even get me started on the 1,001 versions of Batman I've cooked up over the years that never saw the light of day. [/quote] If we can get posting regularly again, you're seriously tempting me to start a sandbox game. Stop it, MB. Bad, MB.