[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/b877b3d05ee4d97909a15a627650a203/tumblr_oit79jG55r1v01x2co1_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][color=00ccff][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Egyptian Museum - Vera's Office [color=00ccff][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Deduction, Intuition [hr][/center] Nora glanced up as the others came in, before nodding. She had indeed found something. She made her way over to Lady Munn, showing her the rubbing she had made. [color=00ccff]"This is perhaps the most interesting thing of note that I have uncovered,"[/color] she said quietly. Although there were Vera's notes on the discovery, the coordinates were in a different hand. She had done enough work as an assistant and enough reading notes in college that she was positive the penmanship of the latter had not been Lady Munn's work. [color=00ccff]"These coordinates - 30.5704° N, 31.5149° E - I would like to see what location these specify."[/color] She then jotted them down in her own notebook and slipped it back into her purse. [color=00ccff]"And please, I hope this has helped to recover some of your notes,"[/color] Nora added softly, handing the paper to Lady Munn so that way she might keep it. Nora understood what a great loss it would be to have notes stolen, especially on such a crucial investigation. She always found that problems became much more simple when she put pen to paper, even if she was simply reorganizing observations she had already made. She returned Lauren's smile as she came in, wondering what the others had managed to discover in the time she had spent in the office. [color=00ccff]"There is also some curious dust on the rug...More than I would imagine would collect on its own over time,"[/color] she added to Lady Munn. [color=00ccff]"I hope that you may have stumbled upon some new information as well?"[/color]