There we go, not as much as I'm used to but I can go into further detail in the game itself. [hider=Nation App]Name: The Kingdom of the Boros Location:[hider]May I kindly take the swath of land in white perchance? [img][/img][/hider]Demographics: Humans, also some more humans. And some humans. Climate: Temperate Description: The Kingdom of Boros is a feudal state with hints of theocratic rule. It is ruled by a king who governs by divine right, a right granted to the first of the line by, if the tales are to be believed, a powerful angel who guided the first humans to work the fields of what would become the Boros lands. The Church of Aurelia preaches kindness and mercy, but also swift justice and willingness to fight evil. Many questing knights have risen to fight for and by these tenets, and over the years the Kingdom of the Boros has been cleared of most of the creatures who once lived in the woods and hills, while the peace of the king has been maintained. The lands of the Boros mostly take the forms of long roving fields, indeed once upon a time the crops of the Boros fed one of the great empires, before it crumbed away and left the Boros to govern themselves again. That said there are a few small forests dotting the edges of Boros lands, and the shore line is fairly unprotected and dotted in small fishing villages. (I could go on, but I've no idea where to elaborate in particular. Fancy justice seeking knights with a shiny religion is a good enough starting point right? I don't want to spend several hours here writing small details with the game starting soon.)[/hider]