[b][/b][color=darkred][center][h1]JASON[/h1][/center][/color] [hr][@Zeroth][@Rune_Alchemist] Entering the water was particularly careless action, if he could, Jason would have groaned [color=darkred][i]"Now how the fuck do I get out of this predicament?"[/i][/color] he thought, frustrated at the situation. Suddenly, he noticed that something in the depths... WAS MOVING! Wheather it was a threat or not, Jason wasn't going to stick around to find out, but his body was fucking useless in water!!! Then Jason had an idea, filling himself with water, he then carefully squirted it out in a thin, focused stream, propelling him forward. It took a bit of practice, but Jason managed to master this technique at least well enough to reach the edge of the pond. Upon exiting the water, he quickly took note of his surroundings, quickly realizing there was a fight nearby. Rushing over as fast as his pseudopods would take him, he saw that a fanged lizard was getting attacked by a red wisp. [color=darkred][i]"Perhaps this is an opportunity to make an ally,"[/i][/color] Jason thought to himself. Sucking up a small rock, he compressed what little water was left in his slimy body, doing so until he could hold on no more. With a loud 'POP!' Jason used the accumulated pressure to fire the rock at the wisp.