[hr][hr][center][h1][color=79443b]Matt "Woody" Abrams[/color][/h1] [img]https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/10d6e7993db9b9a34e4df6cbc6262fb7/5B40B1F2/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/11379348_1618829088379304_1404670344_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTAxNzQ3ODMzNTE3MjY3ODA5Mw%3D%3D.2[/img][hr][hr][b][color=79443b]Skills:[/color][/b] Axe Combat [b][color=79443b]Locations:[/color][/b] Sharpsburg, Stovall Street (B10-E11)[hr][/center] What a cold snap. Matt was glad he didn't have to be all bundled up now. As he was walking down the street, Woody had his plaid shirt wrapped around his waist. The red and black sleeves were knotted at his front to keep it secure. He kept a tight grip on his bloodied axe. With small patches of melting snow dotted around the place, it was a surefire indication that Walkers would be coming back. Matt saw this place passing by, and was looting the nearby stores when he saw a car pull in. He had gotten near to get a closer look. There was three people that had got out the car. Two woman and a man... who only had one leg? These guys must've been in trouble. Matt tried to keep his distance as he stalked them through town. If they ran into too much trouble, he'd be able to rush in and help out. As Matt looked across the courtyard, it came to his mind that they still might need help. Hell, maybe Matt was the one that needed help. These were the first guys in a long time that he's seen that didn't seem like they were looking for a fight. He saw the antique store on the other side, and between him was a Walker who was banging against the window of the Toodles. Matt's grip tightened. He crept closer, until his target was just a few feet away. He gave a short whistle, just loud enough to get the attention of the Zombie. It groaned and slowly turned, and as it noticed potential food looking across at it, Matt swung his axe, the sharp edge burying deep into the rotten brains of the Walker. Blood and viscera splattered against the window of the Child's Boutique. With a shove, the Lumberjack managed to get his trusty axe unstuck. As the body slumped to the floor, Matt looked back to where he was planning on going. He saw one of the girls from before, the one wielding the baseball bat, and a new guy wearing a flatcap of some sort. He walked over, waiting on the other side of Main Street. He put his axe on the ground infront of him and put his hands up in preparation before calling out to the two strangers. [color=79443b]"Hey!"[/color] Matt called out from the other side of the road. [color=79443b]"You guys alright? I'm coming as a friend."[/color] He added, wanting to make his intentions known.