Shadow blade had walked with the guards and he considered that maybe their talking was a new feature it was certainly odd that they told him to get to the castle in the first place but he thought it was just a natural response. He then asked one of the guards plainly [color=lightblue]"How are you feeling?"[/color] he was then surprised when he got an actual answer. He thought they were limited to just NPC responses but they could fully talk. He was surprised and since he worked under an NPC most of the time he wondered how Severnus would act now that he was fully alive. He knew his history from his color text and thought he would be a real hardass or insanely ruthless but Shadow blade wouldn't compromise his ideals for him even if he worked under him. Would he kill a knight if asked sure but he would never kill women or children that was where he drew the line. He was able to make it just in time to hear the loud yelling from Claudius about how they knew very little about the outside world. Shadow blade took a page from Severnus and stood in a corner somewhere in the room as he listened to the game plan. Soon he heard from Severnus to just kill the knights and if need be suppress the village which was simplicity and would be easy to execute at least if under the right conditions Shadow blade could even do it himself with his assassination techniques but that all depends on just how strong the knights are, tanks are always a problem for someone like him but he wasn't sure if they played out like players or bandits with better armor. When given the opportunity to speak he raised his hand and then said [color=lightblue]"I vote to cut off the head of the snake, find the leader of the knights and kill him. Without leadership, the knights will be easy to pick off"[/color] he said unsure if he counted as a lord or not considering he was under an NPC but he was still a player. A player that was stronger than most NPCs that would even show up on the map. Only an exceptional warrior could really give Shadow blade trouble but that was why he joined a guild that was filled to the brim with warriors to make up for his own shortcomings.