[quote][i]I had been frozen and couldn’t move. Before my eyes I saw the others get slain. Green spells shot from the corners of the quarry and upon impact they fell lifeless. I knew I was going to be next and as they fired others come to my aid. Blue shields blocked the attack and I was instantly unfrozen, two witches, Ariel and Emelia had joined my side. Together we fought back our foes and when the area was secured I asked where the rest of their company had gone. They too had been slain. We decided it was best to head south towards town and regroup with the others. On our way we were ambushed by vampyres and Ariel was lost in the fighting. Emelia had been badly injured by a sword and her wound was too deep for me to heal. I levitated her to town hoping to find a healer but there was none. Just a few other injured and tired souls like us. Hoping that healers would soon arrived we waited, Emelia died soon after. Before we could move werewolves had surrounded us and it became impossible to move the wounded, Lycans soon followed so we retreated back into town. We have fortified and charmed the entrances and all around town those of us that remain are ready to defend. The wounded have been locked away below. We expect that they will launch their attack at night, the coalition has been getting into position all day. Dark wizards and witches, vampyres, and lycans can be seen moving about. Hopefully help arrives soon. [/i][/quote] [i]~Last entry of Lucas Manfred a Council of Mages Warlock. [/i] [b]Europa in The Age of 1.0.1[/b] [hider=Age 1.0.1] Europa continues to recover from fall of The Council of Mages that left a power vacuum decades ago. Throughout this medieval styled landscape magical beings are fighting for survival. In the midst wizards and witches have recovered greatly and magical states are starting to form. Europa is in the midst of a rebirth in culture, arts, crafts, trade, build, and stability. Yet like all births it is delicate and with natural enemies still lingering in strongholds throughout Europa the magical states remain at great risk. Conflicts prove to still be common so with feuds on all fronts diplomacy between the magical states is shaky and inconsistent. Hostilities breathe on every border in Europa, The Age of 1.0.1 has begun. [/hider] [b]CREATURES AND BEINGS[/b] [hider=Creatures and beings] Wizards and Witches: These beings are the majority in the rising magical states forming throughout Europa. They look just like humans. Wizards and witches differ in size usually being taller than most humans standing at an average of 5’10. Wizards and witches are stronger, quicker, and faster than humans. Wizards and witches have magical capabilities and can interact with the magical world. Lycans: Creatures resembling wolves but stand at the size of large bears with the ability both walk on two and run on four legs. These were the children of Lycaon and once held large areas of land before breaking into packs among themselves after the death of their father. Their father was one of the reasons why The Council of Mages shattered. Shortly after their collapse he passed, old age and over a thousand years of fighting wore on him. Beneath them they have their foot soldiers and servants, the werewolves. Werewolves: Beings and magical creatures that have been turned into werewolves. Humans make up for the weakest werewolves while depending on the magical being the strength varies. No werewolf has ever been stronger than a Lycan. Magical beings/creatures: Gnomes, dwarves, goblins, trolls, giants, fairies, elves, pixies, magical animals, and arachnids. Vampyres: Cursed with the immortal blood virus vampyres have always existed and still exist to be the main threat to wizards and witches. They have a lust for blood and pleasure. Vampyres survive off humans and animals but get a “Blood High” off of magical blood. Humans rarely live when infected but magical beings usually turn. The Council of Mages once kept them at bay but from the cold they have returned. Druids: Animal shapeshifters and known for their isolation. Druids live in clans and diligently protected their territory. They claim to have been the first and only magical being to live in their “untouched borders” and live without a desire for interaction. Druids do not fued amongst themselves and clashes with vampyres are beginning to unite them. [/hider] [b]TERRITORIES[/b] [hider=Territories] Magical states: Governed territory by wizards and witches. This is where magical beings live in cities, towns, travel on roads, trade, and enjoy lives in an orderly way. Disorderly territory: Territory that has no magical order. Sometimes giants or trolls roam or sometimes elves keep order from the trees. There is really no telling who calls the shots around these parts. Druids: Druids live here. You can try talking to them if you can establish contact without getting killed. Vampyres: Vampyres live here. They live in the darkest places and are the best at blending in until the night. Some run abbeys during the day or inns and hide in dim candle light. Others are more rugged and live in caves or pathetic and live in sewers. Some other strange ways of living include lavishly enjoying humans in dark parties then slaughtering those they picked secretly. Vampyres can live forever so they are always trying new things. One thing remains constant, magical blood is their never ending guilty pleasure. [/hider] [b]THE WORLD[/b] [hider=Map] Starting positions and size will be based off of your state's starting region. Look at example for more info. In this RP there will be a detailed map of regions to go along with it. Here is an example ([url]https://i.imgur.com/36MwzPO.png[/url]). The colors of different states may vary and will be determined but a few colors remain and represent the same. The plain red you see on this map represents vampyre controlled territory. The dark green, the darkest hue to be exact, represents druid controlled territory. The blank spaces represent disorderly territory. The four different colors represent played state controlled territory. Throughout the game the map will change. The map starts blank ([url]https://i.imgur.com/QFDmGvm.png)[/url] and will be created as players join. By the time the game begins the map will be fully generated based off of player activity. [/hider] [b]STARTING POSITIONS[/b] [b]The Isles of Lund[/b] [hider=] England: Scotland: North-west Ireland Southern Ireland: Eastern Ireland: [/hider] [b]Western Europe[/b] [hider=] France: Netherlands & Belgium: Central-Southern Spain: Eastern Spain: Portugal: The Rhine: Florentine: Northern Switzerland: Central Switzerland: Southern Switzerland: [/hider] [b]Central Europe:[/b] [hider=] Norway: Sweden: Denmark: Bohemia: Saxony: Prussia: Bavaria: Hanover: Southern-Hungary: Serbia: Greece: Venice: Florentine: Milan: Rome: Naples: Sicily: [/hider] [b][b]Eastern Europe[/b][/b] [hider=] Finland: Russia: Estonia & Latvia: Poland: Ukraine: Romania: Bulgaria: Moldova: Bulgaria: Romania: Serbia: [/hider] [b]INFO[/b] [hider=Info] Fighting: Conflict will occur throughout the game. While different beings have different abilities that will be revealed throughout the game wizards and witches all possess the same known trait. Their magical abilities allows them to cast spells, charms, hoaxes, hexes, curses, and even telekinesis. Combat can easily get destructive and fighting is best when away from human settlements, although when the humans war it does it make it easier to get away with things. Ingredients and supplies are needed for fighting, feel free to get creative with the magic. Economics: In terms of resources as long as a state has a good system of of staying supplied (farming, mining, trading ect.) they won’t be stressed. Magical materials are needed so feel free to come up with whatever you think connects (wands, staffs, broomsticks, ingredients, ect.) I don’t want limitations due to supplies. If things get out of hand I might reconsider. Politics: Vampyres are naturally hostile, druids are isolationists, and disorderly territory is random. [/hider] [b]APPLICATION[/b] [hider=Application] Just fill in and copy and paste [quote]Character Name: Starting Region: State Name: Can be anything, doesn't have to have region name in title. That is just starting location. State Description: Include areas of geographic interests (cities, towns, farms, villages, ect.), economics, and a brief history. Character Description: Who you are and how’d you get here. Character Age: (Average age of Wizard or Witch is 130 years old.) Character Looks: [/quote] [/hider] [b]RULES AND TIPS[/b] [hider=Rules and Tips] 1. Be nice and civil. 2. I am the GM please have respect. My say is final. 3. Get creative with magic. 4. Nations getting destroyed is possible so be responsible with your actions. 5. Be fair. 6. If you have any concerns or questions message me. 7. Well thought out moves will have better results. 8. Include detail with your character, feel free to create side roles. 9. Open negotiate with neighbors. 10. Deals can be created without needing GM approval. 11. Fighting will most likely occur as this is a nation building game. 12. Fighting will be decided by military size, skill of military, skill of character if participating, geographical terrain, and mainly tactics in combat. [/hider]