[center] [h3] Whip [/h3] [@Gardevoiran][@Xandrya][@floodtalon][/center] [hr] Whip stared at the intruder from the Jacks. Forcing his way into the conversation, forcing his dirty ways upon Healer. She narrowed her eyes, looking away from the ridiculous biker helmet he was wearing. And she ate it up. Poor, poor deluded girl. Whip could only shake her head at the whole affair, contemplating her options. And then the male half addressed her, delivering a message from the trapped soul. A reminder of the terrible crimes committed against women, the poor dear being forced to sacrifice her time and space for such filth. "A shame t'was not her but you whom I must contend with. I see more filth and disease in this room than I have ever in a single space. Terrible, horrible, tainted flesh mingling as if it were still alive and well, mimicking the behaviors of the living through twisted glass." The venom practically dripped from her voice, the necrotic stench nearly palpable around her. The sooner this could be ended the better.