[hider=My Hider] [center][hr][h1]Erika Curtiss[/h1][hr] [hider=Current appearance] [img]https://i.imgur.com/T6JBXaC.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=TYL] [img]https://i.imgur.com/G8kPCa8.png[/img] [/hider] [h3]"Sometimes a gentle push is all that’s needed to make a person bloom into his or her potential[/h3] [/center] [hr][center][h3]P E R S O N A L I A[/h3][/center][hr] // [u][b]A G E[/b][/u] [indent] 16 [/indent] // [u][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/u] [indent] Erika is by all accounts a lovely girl one whos frail and innocent fragility often has the habit of stirring up the desire to protect her. She has a hard time understanding the feelings of others but she is by no means a mean person. While she may not fully understand her own or others emotions she is a kind gentle person one who tries to gain an understanding and offer a hand of help but often comes across as something completely different than what she was intending. She can often time come across as cruel but rather means well with her words. She has an odd sense of humour often taken often smirking or laughing at others misfortune. While she is more than capable of fighting she is easily able to hold her in a majority of situations. Though she has a dislike of fighting in general and if at all possible would rather avoid it in the entirety. Though she is by far from helpless as she has been shown more than capable of holding her own against others. She also has been shown to have an extreme appetite that often leaves many wondering how she manages to eat all that yet never seems to gain weight as such. [/indent] // [u][b]B A C K G R O U N D[/b][/u] [indent] Erika grew up moving from one spot to another due situation out of her control. She grew up pretty much alone as a result lacking much interaction with her family. Still, she did not let the lack of interaction with her family really get to her. Being relatively normal beyond her parents being head of a company left her in an odd spot at times often lacking friends due to how often she moved. Though as time passed so did things change one day a black car drove up. Then in a singular manner, she was told of her parent's death it was a devastating blow to her young self. Just like that all that she knew was changed once more with her parents gone she was entrusted with the running of her family's business and the like. With her parents' death, she was moved once more to a branch location in Namimori where she would be able to get a "fresh start" as the adults put it. While she was unsure of why or what the main meaning was she adapted as usual. Though due to her young age a lot of it was left to the advisors and the like. She wasn’t sure what was truly going on but she knew she didn’t trust the lead advisor that helped run the company till she was able to. Knowing that something was foul in Denmark mad Erika seek out tutors in many different fields from medical to self-defence. Each one she put her all in learning all she can. She wasn't for sure what happened but she knew now that her parent's death wasn't of natural causes or an of a car crash. Or so she thought. She eventually hired a set of private investigators specializing in the recovery of information and the like. While they were unable to turn up much information they were able to regain something that was important her father's laptop. While she unable to gain access to a lot of the files on it and the hiring of experts was out of the question as one advisor was particularly dodgy and adamant that as acting head all information be given to him. So she was left with trying to do it by herself. She set out continuing lessons but also in secret trying her best to gain access to the files on the laptop. Though she knew that going by what she did manage to gain access to that it was definitely not what they told her for her parents' death. But beyond that, any other info was locked to where she couldn't gain access to it. She knew that she would have to be wary as to not and draw too much attention to herself as she still didn't trust a lot of the advisors and by proxy her guardian of sorts. This meant she had to tiptoe around the subject and work on the laptop in secret as to now drawing unneeded scrutiny to herself. Which would slow down her progress a lot. [/indent] [hr][center][h3]P A R A M E T E R S[/h3][/center][hr] [center]"A balance is often needed between mind and body one side can never outweigh the other."[/center] // [u][b]F L A M E[/b][/u] [indent] Rain [/indent] // [u][b]A B I L I T I E S[/b][/u] [indent] [b]Death Ballet [/b] - A style of fighting that is based on basic ideas and principles behind ballet and figure skating. Mainly focused on kicks it is anything but a dance as with it she is able to deliver harsh kicks at the enemy. A unique style of combat she has formed from her love of ballet and figure skating along with basics of Chinese martial arts. [b]Understanding of human anatomy[/b] - Due to personal interest and training she has received from hired tutors she has gained a solid understanding on the human anatomy and is as such able to perform basic medical procedures within limits though it is limited and she has shown to have little interest in pursuing it further. [b]swordsmanship[/b] - Proficient in the use of swords Erika has been shown to be comfortable with them enough to be able to use them in a combat situation. [/indent] // [u][b]E Q U I P M E N T[/b][/u] [indent] [b]The gift he gave[/b] - A Jian with a scarlet blade given to her by her teacher when he decided she learned all that was needed. It is a precious gift one that has seen battle before and carries with it a weight she doesn’t fully know yet. [/indent] [/hider] Got It done it's not the same idea as I ran into difficulties but I did my best to salvage it