[quote=@NecroKnight] [center] [hider=Atlantis Group] [h1]Atlantis Group[/h1] [b]Flag/Symbol:[/b] [img]http://img09.deviantart.net/6ced/i/2011/144/1/7/flag_of_atlantis_by_fenn_o_manic-d3h3x4j.png[/img] [b]How you survived: [/b] The Atlantis Group didn't so much survive, as was simply formed after the devastation that was produced by World War Three and Four - they formed namely at the same time as did the United Nations of Earth. [b]Ships:[/b] [i]Battleship 'Chimaera' [/i] - flagship, a giant floating science facility/industrial workshop. Modules: hydroponics, hydrogen manufacturing, recycling facility, laboratory, modest-industrial workshop. [i]Cruiser 'Ice'[/i] - living vessel. A reconfigured cruiser that is designed to utilize space as efficiently as possible to hold both people, a small hydroponics garden and a recycling department. [i]Cruiser 'Fire'[/i] - living vessel. A reconfigured cruiser that is designed to utilize space as efficiently as possible to hold both people, a small hydroponics garden and a recycling department. [i]Submarine 'Leviathan'[/i] - attack/scout vessel. An old diesel-submarine updated with a hydrogen engine and armed to the teeth, with cruise missiles, torpedoes and a flak cannon. It also includes a science lab and an arms depot, with the latest human weaponry. [b]Technology:[/b] Atlantis Group is based around long-term sustainability - thus they are heavily focused into recycling as much as possible, from waste and old equipment, to even air and water. Nothing is wasted and everything can be remade and recycled on board their vessels - including the ships themselves. In addition, the Group has invested heavily into improved hydroponics and safe-handling and production of hydrogen for fuel and energy. They also have brought along, several blueprints and parts for manufacturing robotics and have pioneered several improvements in 3D Printing. [b]Military might:[/b] The Atlantis Group has around four-hundred people ready for combat operations - since the end of World War Three and Four, many of the armed personnel are former soldiers, veterans, survivors and special operatives. While this is likely a smaller group than what most possess, the Atlantis Security Force has much better arms and armor than anybody else - as their objective is to maximize damage and minimize casualties among their own personnel. [b]History:[/b] Atlantis Group was started by the end of World War Three and gained traction near the beginning of World War Four - when the world was consumed in nuclear war, global terrorism that was supported and supplied by both sides, biological-chemical warfare against major cities and populations and global warming that raised sea-levels and made the weather patterns worse with each passing year. The culmination of World War Three, left much of the world and it's sides devastated in terms of population and capability. World War Four that followed was the basic attempts of a dead man, trying to keep itself alive - despite that, many among the intellectual elite had been disgusted at what happened. As many of them had been forced to construct more and more lethal ways of killing the enemy - to the point, that when the dust settled down from the low-scale nuclear bombardment - the projection stated, that almost 85% of the ozone layer had been damaged beyond repair and the rest would slowly dissipate over the decade. The continued ignorance, warnings against warfare and simply political greed convinced many to simply stop and refuse to serve their countries. While after the war, many of the governments had fallen to popular uprising the damage had been done. As many of the intellectuals had grown very disgusted by both the greed of the political elite and also of the ignorant mass. This was further endorsed, when the Atlantis Group was established by Doctor John Vindaloo. Namely John Vindaloo, had been an Indian-American, whose research had lead into many breakthroughs in the field of energy and energy production - although most of that had been focused into warfare and not trying to help the civilian industry and to stop the mad fighting. Afterwards, John Vindaloo had been the first to cry against the US Government and what he declared monsterous ways - while it meant, his commission as a Senior Researcher was terminated, by that point the population itself was rising up against the government. After World War Three and the rather cynical option of survival - he assembled, many of the scientists and engineers of the world, into a unified group. As they namely tried and hoped to establish a colony underwater - instead of dying outside or in a vault. Since while the ozone layer was destroyed and UV bombardment would follow onto the planet - the magnetic field and most of the atmosphere remained intact, and would keep the vast oceans of Earth from disappearing. Their funding was provided by many of the old nobility of Europe - namely the monarchs, dukes and princes - whom also desired a way to save themselves, that didn't involve suffering a slow burn on the surface of the planet. Although, when Hope' Gate opened - most of the research was turned around to develop as much of a self-sufficient system as possible on each ship. [hr] [hider=Characters] [img]http://static.tumblr.com/acc89186fe01b35db77e90ed841b4e3b/utjdgb7/Zjzmwjbeu/tumblr_static_guilty_crown-20-ouma_kurosu-scientist-father-void-genome-apoc_virus.jpg[/img] Name: Victor Hammer Rank/Title: Head Researcher of Energy Production Capabilities: Victor Hammer holds a position in researching improved energy production, being also Chairman of the Atlantis Group and also trained in psychology - capable of manipulating and playing around with people, without them realizing. Background: Victor Hammer had been working for the European Research Agency, in trying to wane-off their dependence of foreign oil. While breakthroughs were achieved, the 'cost' for implementing was deemed 'too high' and war was deemed to be a better answer - than self-improvement. As such, Victor Hammer was forced to work on utilizing his research in developing laser-based weaponry and microwave emitters. After the war, he joined Atlantis Group and helped turn it from a small group of rebellious scientists into a technocratic power. DEM points: 0 Death points: 0 --- [img]https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/s/common/uploaded_files/1457581051-25d9d59791a10b9ba89329bb969606c6.jpeg[/img] Name: Yuna Mikayi Rank/Title: Head of the Genetic Research Department Capabilities: Yuna Mikayi was considered a prodigy and upcoming scientist in the Global Community - namely she was considered the best woman, in trying to fight and help cure the numerous ailments of the human condition. Although, not even her ability was able to eliminate the human notion of greed, fear and self-treachery. Despite her meek appearance, she is considered the leading expert in genetic research and also genetic manipulation. Background: Yuna Mikayi was born in Japan to a rather prestigious and wealthy family, whom helped support and improve her gifts and intelligence. Yuna would end up graduating highschool at the age of fifteen and would rapidly move and graduate in the numerous universities around the world. When World War Three broke out, her research was one part that was utilized in developing horrendous chemical and biological weapons. Atlantis Group helped evacuate Yuna Mikayi and her family from Japan, after the entire country collapsed into anarchy and was slowly swallowed by the sea. DEM points: 0 Death points: 0 [/hider] [/hider] [/center] [/quote] Nice, accepted.